英语人>词典>英汉 : viability的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

viability [,vaiə'biliti]


生存能力, 发育能力

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Four testing methods to detect the pollen viability of cucumber were being compared. The results indicated that I-KI staining method and acetic red dyeing were not suitable to judge the pollen viability of cucumber. Tetrazolium method can be used but the error is oversize. By and large, the Germination in vitro method was an efficient, stable and simple way to judge the pollen viability of cucumber. The component of culture medium is 10% sucrose+ 100mg/L H_3BO_3. If inoculated intraday, collect pollen of fresh abloom flower at 6:00 and if inoculated at the second day, collect before dark.


The microspore was more like a tetrahedron, whilethe polar was more like a triangle. The number of microspore in every anther wasbetween 2600~3600, so the amount of pollen was quite large that it was propitiousto spread and pollination. P/O was 8088 and the breed system was singleheterosexual copulatoryb. The viability of pollen was normally above 50%. The testof pollen culture showed that the viability of pollen was up to the tiptop under thehigher temperature and lower humidity (38℃,40%),while it was weakest under thelower temperature and lower humidity (16℃,40%).The OCI is 4, and the breedsystem was belong to autocopulation. If it was heterosexual copulatory, there must beintermediums for pollination. It was recorded there were more than 40 species ofinsects on the anthotaxy or followers of Malania Oleifera. Under different weather,different living environments and different plants the frequency and rush hour of theinsects to visit the followers were different. Actions of different kinds of insect werealso different. According to the results of the observation, the form of fluid and seedof Malania Oleifera mostly rely on the action of insect pollination, especially thebees.


In this experiment, 22 cucumber varieties were selected as test materials. The experiment analyzed the best method to mensurate cucumber pollen viability, the pollen viability and its influence factors, and the best low-temperature to distinguish the pollen germination rates of different varieties and compages of florescence temperature and germinarion temperature. We hope the results of experiment can offer theoretics and data to chilling tolerance varieties selection.


更多网络解释 与viability相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


适合度具有两个基本成分:存活力(viability)和生殖成功(reproductive success). ◆ 杀虫剂(pesticide)抗性的进化◆ 杀虫剂(pesticide)抗性的进化许多农业害虫对杀虫剂抗性的进化方式类似于感染性细菌对抗菌素的进化方式.


所以他(1990,1995)认为,应该用" 生存力" (viability)来代替" 真理" 一词,只要某种知识能帮助我们解决具体问题,或能提供关于经验世界的一致性解释,那它就是适应的,就是有"生存力"的(适者生存),不要去追求经验与客体的一致.


种子生活力(Viability)是指种子的发芽潜在能力和种胚所具有的生命力,通常是指一批种子中具有生命力(即活的)种子数占种子总数的百分率. 种子发芽力是指种子在适宜条件下(实验室可控制的条件下)发芽并长成正常植株的能力,


为此,周恩来事前找了几个英文翻译,要他们将这个"生存能力"(viability)的确切含义告诉他;然后,他自己也查了有关的外文资料. 在六日晚上的谈判中,周恩来说:"今天,我要请教一下黑格先生,你为什么在前天的讲话中使用像Viability这样的字眼?"

economic viability:经济可行性

economic variable 经济变数 | economic viability 经济可行性 | economically active person 从事经济活动的人士

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