英语人>词典>英汉 : very rich的中文,翻译,解释,例句
very rich的中文,翻译,解释,例句

very rich

very rich的基本解释

腰缠万贯, 万贯家财, 富比陶朱

更多网络例句与very rich相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her language fast very fast, no matter be to say Chinese or English, always very can fast contact topic and the thing that you are familiar with, her enthusiastic very rich appeal, you can become in spite of oneself very familiar with her, without the distance.


Certainly ,if there are really more than one child in one family ,it's very hard for parents to share all of thing during them when a family is not very rich ,we should consider the living condition, if it allowed ,it's ok everyone have one ,but for a not rich fainly it's out of rich ,then ,maybe this moment the partial idea will appear in the child who do not get what he or she want .


Very rich in nutrition, is a very tasty green, bamboo shoots to eat a high use and medicinal value, it has been determined: shoots contain 3.8% protein, fat 0.49%, 2.5% total sugar, fiber 1%, but also rich phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron and other elements and vitamins B1, B2, C, and 17 kinds of amino acids, is a high-protein low-fat food, hemp bamboo shoots his thick white body, bamboo shoots taste delicious, quality very good, It is our country more than 30 kinds of bamboo shoots in the highest sugar content, quality, one of the best varieties.


更多网络解释与very rich相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We all know people have been pushed out at an alarming rate:我们都知道人们被推到了 一个警戒线之外

of the very rich and the very poor.|贫富... | We all know people have been pushed out at an alarming rate.|我们都知道人们被推到了 一个警戒线之外 | I mean, I would say thousands and thousands of people|...

And yet, from the very beginning:然而 从一开始

so he could ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange.|不是为了能到纽约证... | And yet, from the very beginning,|然而 从一开始 | the rich have claimed him for their own.|富人便为了自身利益 宣称耶稣和...

Very rich bead work on metallic gray satin:非常丰富的珠子工作,金属灰色缎子

Features: 特点: | Very rich bead work on metallic gray satin非常丰富的珠子工作,金属灰色缎子 | Totally handcrafted by artisans from North India完全由手工工匠从北印度