英语人>词典>英汉 : vermiform appendix的中文,翻译,解释,例句
vermiform appendix的中文,翻译,解释,例句

vermiform appendix

vermiform appendix的基本解释

阑尾, 蚓突

更多网络例句与vermiform appendix相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She has left, for instance, some troublesome bits of scaffolding, like the vermiform appendix, behind.


Acute inflammation of the vermiform appendix is the most common surgical lesion within the abdomen.


Li Hongzhi and his family members did take medicine, and he himself had a vermiform appendix excising operation as well.


The modern king has become a vermiform appendix: useless when quiet; when obtrusive, in danger of removal.


The modern king has become a vermiform appendix: useless when quite; when obtrusive, in danger of removal.


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更多网络解释与vermiform appendix相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

vermiform appendix:阑尾

而阑尾(vermiform appendix)则是由盲肠的盲端突出的一段约10公分长,铅笔粗细的中空器官. 所以,阑尾和盲肠是不同,或许可以说,阑尾是盲肠的一部份. 一般大众所谓的盲肠炎其实指的是阑尾炎(appendicitis). 急性阑尾炎是儿童常见的腹部外科急症.

vermiform appendix:蚓突,阑尾

蠕虫型;蛆型 vermiform | 蚓突;阑尾 vermiform appendix | 蠕虫型细胞 vermiform cell

vermiform appendix:阑尾 (责任编辑:admin)

large intestine 大肠 | caecum 盲肠 | vermiform appendix 阑尾 (责任编辑:admin)

vermiform appendix:阑尾NJf中国学习动力网

blind gut 盲肠NJf中国学习动力网 | vermiform appendix 阑尾NJf中国学习动力网 | rectum 直肠NJf中国学习动力网

vermiform appendix appendix:阑尾

鉴定;证明;确认 verification | 阑尾 vermiform appendix appendix | 驱蠕虫剂 vermifuge

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