英语人>词典>英汉 : vegetation的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

vegetation [,vedʒi'teiʃən]


植物, 草木

  • Forests and jungles have thick vegetation.
  • 森林和热带雨林中有茂密的植被。
n. flora · growth
Plant / 植物 [187]

vascular plant  ·  terminal bud  ·  simple leaf  ·  sea weed  ·  sage brush  ·  petrified wood  ·  opposite leaves  ·  lateral bud  ·  lanceolate leaf  ·  incomplete flower

更多 网络例句 与vegetation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For organizing vegetation submodel, started with the bottom-up gateway to agglomerate plot-data. The vegetation types must be confirmed before predictive vegetation mapping, therefore designed a transforming program to combine 585 plot-data from different surveys for the purpose. But the result of the classification and ordination of the combined plot-data couldn't display comprehensive vegetation types of Taiwan, because the plots were insufficient and disproportionate. Consequently, this study adopted the top-down gateway to divisive vegetation. After referring to Taiwan and east-Asia vegetation research papers and American national vegetation classification system etc., the physiognomic classification scheme of Taiwan had been drafted as vegetation submodel. The scheme included 4 levels: 2 classes, 5subclasses (subarctic, coldtemperate, cooltemperate, warmtemperate, subtropical), 8 groups (based on phenology and types of predominant leaf) and 16 formations (based on moisture regime and predominant taxa). And, the scheme dealt completely with the diverse nomenclatures of vegetation types in the past.

为建立植群亚模型,首先依「整合大量样区资料,由下而上的低阶植相聚类」之途径,设计建档程序及转档程式,成功整并不同来源之585个样区资料,但因样区数目不足且分布不均,分析结果未能显示出台湾完整的植群类型;故转循「预先设定植群类型,由上而下的高阶形相分类」之途径,经参考他国植群分类系统及台湾、东亚植群分类研究报告,订定分类原则及架构,提出4阶层之潜在植群形相分类方案:(1)寒原、森林2类群系纲;(2)亚寒带、冷温带、凉温带、暖温带、亚热带5类群系亚纲;(3) 8类群系组表徵优势植群之叶片的物候与形态;(4) 16类群系说明其水分境制及优势分类群;此方案统一处理了过去各种有关植群划分之纷岐名制,方案之各阶植群类型亦即本研究之植群亚模型。

By the field survey which lasting a period of 3 grown seasons and by the means of remote sense and geographic information system, we ascertain the present vegetation pattern of Hunshan-Dake sand land, find out vegetation distribution principles on the different scales in the same time . From west to east, with the increasing of dry degree, the type of plant community changed form the xeric to the mesic. The vegetation of Sand land shows the characteristic of the zonal vegetation, but dont consistent with the traditional diversification principle. The vegetation of the middle part displays a high differential characteristic, which compresses the longitudinal zonation at a certain extent. So we can say that sand land vegetation is semi-zonal.


Based on the analysis on the character of MPDI, the relationship between NDVI and MPDI is studied, and the threshold value of MPDI under densely vegetation covered, middle vegetation covered, sparse vegetation covered and nudation are built. MPDI>0.12 means the surface is desert,sand or rocks; 0.01<MPDI<0.12 means the sureface is covered by middle vegetation, and MPDI<0.01 means the earth is covered by densely vegetation. 4. Based on the expirical model relation between MPDI and vegetation optical thickness, the latter is computed by the modified algorithm.


更多网络解释 与vegetation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我们可以认识如何在ModelBuilder环境下通过绘制数据处理流程图的方式实现空间分析过程的自动化,加深对地理建模过程的认识,对各种GIS分析工具的用途有深入的理解. 数据:矢量数据:研究区界线(Study Area)、植被(Vegetation),栅格数据:土壤类型栅格(Soilsgrid)


④ 赘生物(vegetation) 指发生在心瓣膜上的附壁血栓,常由血小板和纤维蛋白组成,实质为白色血栓.气体栓塞(gas embolism)包括空气栓塞和氮气栓塞.贫血性梗死(anemic infarction)主要是动脉阻塞的结果,常发生在组织结构比较致密和侧枝血管细而少的器官如脾,


硫化氢系植物(vegetation)、土壤、死水(stagnant water)及动物排泄物中的硫酸盐(sulphate)经细菌分解后演变而来. 在大气中,它很容易被氧化成二氧化硫且经雨水带至地面. 在某些好氧性(aerobic)土壤中,特定的细菌将二氧化硫转换成硫酸盐.


植物群落是由一定种类的植物在一定的生境条件下所构成的有机整体. 地球表面全部植物群落的集合,称为植被(vegetation). 植物群落是植被的基本单元,也是生物群落的重要组成成分.

vegetation cover:植被

vegetation belt植被带 | vegetation cover植被 | vegetation monitoring植被监测

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