英语人>词典>英汉 : variant的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

variant ['vɛəriənt]




变体, 异体

更多 网络例句 与variant相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These 375 patients had a median age of 50.57±10.46(range,19-72) with 87.4%HBsAg positive and 4.3%anti-HCV antibody positive;The apparent peak incidence age was 40~60 years old,and the ratio of male to female was 10.7:1;The 3 and 5 year postoperational survival rate were 52%and 38%;The tumour numbers(p=0.000),tumor size(p=0.025),histological pattern (p=0.000),nuclear features(p=0.000),differentiation(p=0.001) and vascular invasion(p=0.000) were significantly correlated with prognosis.The postoperational survival time of thin trabeculae pattern,compact pattern and pseudoglandular pattern were significantly longer than that of thick trabeculae, scirrhous pattern,and solid patternp<0.009the postoperational survival time of 1 and 2 grade based on nuclear features were significantly longer than that of 3 and 4 grades(p=0.000The small cell variant,osteoclast-like giant cell variant, and spindle cell variant were mainly composed of thick trabeculae pattern and solid pattern,which were significantly different from that of clear cell variant.


In this paper,we discuss the Walsh spectral characteristics of partially-bent functions over ring Znq(q=p1*p2,p1、p2 are primes),propose two new concepts―nonzero factor variant-permanently linear structure and zero divisor variant―permanently linear structure,classify the variant-permanently linear structure of partially-bent functions and show their correlation,obtain several new equivalent conditions of partially-bent functions on ring Znq,finally,point out the correlations among balance, linear structure and points taking nonzero spectrum.


To deal with 3-dimensional and finite element variant design and analysis for complicated products,the modeling approach for products and parameter transfer structure were researched,parameter transfer rules adaptive for complicated product variant design were proposed,the affection relationship among parameters for model variant was raveled.


更多网络解释 与variant相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


CBool 函数 从任何有效的表达式返回一个"布尔"子类型变体(Variant)值. CBool(表达式)StrComp 函数 返回一个"整数"子类型的"变体"(Variant)值,用它代表两个字符串比较的结果.


Last-Modified实体头域(entity-header)指明了变量(variant)被源服务器所确信的最后修改的日期和时间. 此头域的确切含义取决于源服务器的实现和源资源(original resource)的性质. 对文件而言,它可能仅仅指示文件上次修改的时间.


可变类型(Variant)是指可以在程序运行期间确定或改变的数据类型. 这些数据在编译期间不能确定其数据类型,而且,它们比固定类型的数据占用更多的存储空间和更多的操作时间. Object Pascal的子程序分为两种:过程(procedure)和函数(function).


即使在同一发育阶段, 有些虫种抗原亦可产生变化.如布氏锥虫虫体表面的糖蛋白膜抗原不断更新,新变异体(variant)不断产生,总是与宿主特异抗体合成形成时间差.⑵ 分子模拟与伪装 有些寄生虫体表能表达与宿主组织抗原相似的成分,

conditioned variant:条件变体

required value 待定值, 求定值 | conditioned variant 条件变体 | acetaldehyde phenylhydrazone 乙醛苯腙

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