英语人>词典>英汉 : variance ratio的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
variance ratio的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

variance ratio

variance ratio的基本解释

方差比, 变异比

更多 网络例句 与variance ratio相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thecompare of genetic map between Lowes and ours showed 26 homology marker situ,which occupied 21.1% of the marker situ in the experiment. 81 QTLs were detected for 11 agronomic traits. 4 QTLs were detected for plantheight, which explained 10.3%~28.9% of trait variance; 2 QTLs were detected forNo. of effective 1-st branches, which explained 22.1%~47% of trait variance; 16QTLs were detected for effective branches height, which explained 12.2%~51.8% oftrait variance; 15 QTLs were detected for length of main inflorenscence, whichexplained 7.4%~26.6% of trait variance; 5 QTLs were detected for effective siliquesof main inflorenscence, which explained 11.2%~25% of trait variance; 1 QTLs weredetected for density of main infiorenscence, which explained 17.3% of trait variance;12 QTLs were detected for length of silique, which explained 24%~36.7% of traitvariance; 2 QTLs were detected for seed per sillique, which explained 9.6% and16.9% of trait variance; 2 QTLs were detected for 1000 seed weight, which explained26%~13.7% of trait variance; 11 QTLs were detected for Total effective siliques perplant, which explained 14.8%~47.2% of trait variance; 11 QTLs were detected forplant height, which explained 14.3%~32.8% of trait variance.


The results showed that:(1) we can mapping quantitative trait locus while estimating the variance component of QTL;(2) granddaughter design is better than daughter design when mapping QTL;(3) it is easy to map a QTL for trait with a high heriability and a large QTL variance contribution;(4) we can estimate the variance component of a QTL by TM-BLUP based on ML method whether the QTL has only 2 alleles or QTL has normal distributed alleles effects;(5) the estimation accuracy of variance component contributed by QTL was improved by using of grand daughter design;(6) the higher the heritability and the QTL variance contribution was, the more accurate estimation of QTL variance component.


AMOVAresults showed there were 95.99%genetic variance within subpopulations,4.01% genetic variance between subpopulationsfor Schima superba;there were 75.36% genetic variance within subpopulation,24.64%genetic variance between subpopulations for Castanopsis chinensis;there were 89.55%genetic variance within subpopuiations,10.45% genetic variance betweensubpopulations for Cryptocarya chinensis.


更多网络解释 与variance ratio相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

variance ratio:方差比

variance analysis 方差分析 | variance ratio 方差比 | variate 变量

variance ratio:变异刺激

variance partitioning 方差划分 | variance ratio 变异刺激 | variance testing 方差检定

variance ratio:变异数比

Variance between clusters 丛集间变异数 | Variance ratio 变异数比 | Variance within clusters 丛集内变异数

variance ratio:方差比 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

variance analysis 方差分析 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | variance ratio 方差比 本文来自:博研联盟论坛 | variance ratio test 方差比检定 本文来自:博研联盟论坛

variance ratio test:检验

的方差不同,基于 MLE 的似然比检验(Likelihood Ratio Test)在 的条件概率分布模型设定错如 Lo & Mackinlay(1988)在使用方差比检验(Variance Ratio Test)研究美国股市有效性时,有时间"平稳性" (Stationarity)或不同经济人的数据生成过程具有"同质性" (Homogeneity).

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