英语人>词典>英汉 : variable-density system的中文,翻译,解释,例句
variable-density system的中文,翻译,解释,例句

variable-density system

variable-density system的基本解释

疏密制, 变密度制

更多网络例句与variable-density system相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Variable speed system of cycloconverter-fed multiphase synchronous motor is a major area in the development of high-power AC drive system because of its small dimension, large capacity, high torque, high-rate power, wide-range variable speed, low harmonic pollution, and reliable safety. In the low-speed and large-capacity industrial drives, such as rolling mills, winding motors, marine propeller, cement mixer, etc. it will find a wide application in the future.


Based on variable mass system mechanics theory, the robotic system is regarded as a variable mass object.


A fuzzy variable structure controller inherits the robust characteristics of sliding mode control and interpolation property of fuzzy logic control. The robustness property of variable structure system makes the control system insensitive for different burthen variety and different outside disturbance. Fuzzy control predigests the device of control system and alleviates the chattering which variable structure system causes .


更多网络解释与variable-density system相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The accuracy of sequence variable measurement system:连续变量测量系统的精确性

- 校准 Adjustment | o 连续变量测量系统的精确性 The accuracy of sequence variable measurement system | - 重复性和再现性Repetition and Reappearance

variable Induction System:可变进气系统

Valve Timing 配气相位(气门开闭角度) | variable Induction System 可变进气系统 | Carburetor 化油器

The veracity of sequence variable measurement system:连续变量测量系统的准确性

- 测量系统变异的组成部分The components of measurement system variation | o 连续变量测量系统的准确性 The veracity of sequence variable measurement system | - 分辨率Discrimination