英语人>词典>英汉 : valence shell的中文,翻译,解释,例句
valence shell的中文,翻译,解释,例句

valence shell

valence shell的基本解释

[化] 价电子层

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It utilizes its four valence electrons completely in the establishment of four covalence , its valence shell becomes saturated.


Learning the valence shell electron pair repulsion theory, they need to determine the shapes of simple molecules with the help of models and 3-D animations.

通过学习价电子对互斥理论,在模型和3D 动画的帮助下,构建出分子的形状。

Halogen atoms contain seven electrons in their valence shell, and, consequently, are monovalent


An element bonding parameter topological index HLA is proposed based on topological principle and valence shell electron structural character.


The electron configurations in the valence electron shell.


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valence shell:价壳<层>

元素的化学性质的主要关键是它的电子组态(electron configuration), 特定的价壳层(valence shell)电子将显现特定的化学相似性. 原子的价壳层(最外层)电子归驻(reside)的轨域类型决定它在周期表中的『区块』(block);

valence shell:价电子层

valence number 原子价数 | valence shell 价电子层 | valence state 价态

valence shell:价壳

价夸克 valence quark | 价壳 valence shell | 价态 valence state

valence shell:价层

极性共价键 polar covalent bond | 价层 valence shell | 价层电子对互斥理论 valence shell electron pair repulsion theory

valence shell electron:价壳<层>电子

valence shell 价壳<层> | valence shell electron 价壳<层>电子 | valence state 价态

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