英语人>词典>英汉 : utricular的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

utricular [ju'trikjulə]


小囊状的, 有小囊的

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The streptomycin perfusion of labyrinth via a fenestra of LSC could treat disabling Meniere's disease and other dizziness caused by inner ear disorder by selectively destroying the sensory epithelium of utricular macula and three canal cristae.


Similarities in morphology, element ingredient and element content between lagenal otoliths and utricular otoliths suggest that the two types of otolithic organs may play similar roles in sensing gravitational and acceleration signals.


Results In adult homing pigeons, the contents of ferromagnetic elements in lagenal otoliths were less than 0.7% and were the same order in magnitude as those in saccular and utricular otoliths.

结果 成年信鸽瓶状囊耳石中磁性元素Fe、Co、Ni的含量不足Ca元素的0.7%,与球囊和椭圆囊耳石中的含量为同一数量级。

The present study found that the contents of ferromagnetic elements in lagenal otoliths of adult homing pigeons were less than 0.7% and were the same order in magnitude as those in saccular and utricular otoliths.


Results A significantly higher number of survival utricular hair cells was seen in experimental group(P<0.05),as compared with control group.

结果 含bFGF的实验组毛细胞的存活数目显著高于不含bFGF的实验组(P<0.05),对照组毛细胞无缺失或损伤。

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utricle 小胞 | utricular 小囊状的 | utricular 有小囊的


utricle 胞果 椭圆囊 | utricular 椭圆囊的 | utriculitis 椭圆囊炎


utricular 小囊状的 | utricular 有小囊的 | utriculitis 椭圆囊炎


utricle /小囊/小胞/胞果/ | utricular /小囊状的/有小囊的/ | utriculitis /椭圆囊炎/

utricular pouch:前庭囊

前庭膜Reissner's membrane,vestibular membrane | 前庭囊utricular pouch | 前胶原procollagen

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