英语人>词典>英汉 : uptake的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

uptake ['ʌpteik]


举起, 拿起, 理解, 吸收, 上风井, 摄入

  • The new student is a little slow on the uptake, so you have to be patient.
  • 这个新生理解能力较差,因此你得耐心一点。
  • The doctor advised me to reduce the salt uptake.
  • 医生建议我减少盐的摄入。
更多 网络例句 与uptake相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The CO2 uptake rate of plants is affected by the plant species and environmental conditions such as photosynthetically active radiation, temperature, water and nutrient contents. PAR is the most immediate environmental control on photosynthesis while air temperature affects both photorespiration and dark respiration. In the natural condition, PAR and temperature play an important role in net CO2 uptake. The effects of PAR and air temperature on the CO2 uptake of Pterocarpus macrocarpus grown in a natural habitat were studied in the present work. Due to many uncontrollable factors, a simple rectangular hyperbola could not represent the measured data. The data were divided into groups of 2℃ intervals; CO2 uptake in each group may then be related to PAR by a rectangular hyperbola function. Using the obtained functions, the effect of PAR was removed from the original data.


The numerical results indicated that the mixing time decreases about linearly with increasing current intensity. The mixing time decreases first then increases with increasing current frequency and comes up to its minimum value at 30Hz. Applying the traveling magnetic field to the uptake or downtake when the exciting current intensity is 200 A at 10 Hz, the mixing time can be shortened by 9%~17%. With the operating conditions kept unchanged, shorter mixing time is available if applying the traveling magnetic field to the uptake instead of downtake, and the time can be shortened by 18%~26% if applying the magnetic field to both the uptake and downtake. Moreover, the mixing time decreases with increasing argon blowing flowrate, and the time comes down to its minimum value if the argon blowing flowrate is 1 600 NL/min. After the moment, the mixing time increases with argon blowing flowrate.

计算结果表明:混匀时间随电流强度的增大而减小,并且近似成线性关系;混匀时间随电流频率的增加先减小后增大,并且在30Hz 时达到极小值;在励磁电流强度为200A ,频率为10Hz 的条件下,在上升管或下降管施加行波磁场混匀时间可缩短9%~17%;在相同操作条件下,在上升管处施加行波磁场混匀时间小于在下降管施加行波磁场的混匀时间;同时在上升管和下降管施加行波磁场,混匀时间可缩短18%~26%;混匀时间随吹氩量的增大而减小,在吹氩量为1600NL/min 时混匀时间达到极小值,吹氩量继续增大时,混匀时间反而增大。

The Zn concentration in leaf and leafstalk increased with increasing Zn supply from 0 to 160 mgL^(-1), but had no increase or even decreased when the Zn supply was higher than 160 mgL^(-1). The Zn concentration in root exhibited a positive correlation with Zn supply and its exposure time, and the kinetic curve of Zn uptake fitted linear-quadratic model, i.e., fast linear uptake first and slow saturation uptake later, with the dividing point at about 1-2 hours' exposure, which could be related with the Zn adsorption on root cell wall and the Zn transportation across the cell membrane.

在0160 mgL^(-1) Zn处理下,植株叶片和叶柄Zn含量随Zn处理水平的提高显著增加,Zn浓度大于160 mgL^(-1)后,植株叶片和叶柄Zn含量不再随介质中Zn浓度的提高而增加,根系含Zn含量与介质中的Zn浓度和培养时间呈正相关,且根系Zn吸收动力学曲线具有二型性,即开始为快速的线性吸收,随后是较缓慢的饱和吸收,两者分界点约在12h,这可能分别与根细胞壁吸附Zn和Zn跨根细胞膜运输有关。

更多网络解释 与uptake相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


3.摄取(uptake)内源性和外源性去甲肾上腺素都可被去甲肾上腺素能神经末梢和非神经细胞所摄取(分别称为摄取1和摄取2,见第五章). 被摄取的去甲肾上腺素大多又经囊泡摄取贮存起来. 被摄取入非神经细胞内者,大多被代谢而失活.


一种是通过扩散作用跨过膜进入细胞,其吸收(uptake)与周围环境的离子浓度呈直线关系. 这种吸收属于被动吸收,适用于甲醇、乙醇、脲、戊酰胺等溶质. 对于一些细胞需要积累的溶质(包括有机的和无机的),它们的吸收速率比扩散作用快得多,


1.Lyster and Ranta(1997)提出了"领会(uptake)"的术语,意指学习者在教师纠正其错误后的反应,即学习者在下一轮话语中的行为. 他们认为"领会"表现了学习者利用教师的反馈做了些什么. 尽管他们在实验中发现了许多重铸(recast)的情况,


plane of action 啮合面, 作用面 | uptake 举起 | mechanical timer 机械时间继电器 机械定时装置, 机械计时器

nutrient uptake:养分吸收

养分吸收(nutrient uptake)植物从环境中 摄取养分的过程.养分吸收以可逆电化学梯度进行,亦 可沿电化学梯度进行.前者需要消耗代谢能,称为主动 吸收,后者只是间接与代谢过程相联系,吸收过程不需 供应代谢能,称为被动吸收.

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