英语人>词典>英汉 : upstream的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,反义词,拼写相似词汇

upstream ['ʌp'stri:m]


向上游, 逆流地

  • He was making his way upstream.
  • 他正逆流而上。

向上游的, 逆流而上的

  • Upstream fishing is good today.
  • 如今在上游垂钓真好。
adj. downstream
更多 网络例句 与upstream相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, the S-CDMA-HFC system with integrated traffic is introduced and the method of traffic integration is given. Second, the upstream channel capacity of the S-CDMA-HFC system with integrated traffic that has the same rate is analyzed. The chronoff limit and Gaussian approximate equation of the upstream channel cutoff probability are derived. Third, the impact of the selection of the line transmission rate on the upstream channel capacity of the S-CDMA-HFC system with integrated traffic is discussed in detail. The cutoff probability and throughout equations of the upstream channel with different integrated traffic are derived. Fourth, the impact of the power control error on the capacity is discussed. Results show that the power control error will degrade the upstream channel capacity and have different influence on the different traffic. Finally, the capacity requirement of the initialization process is raised. Analytical results show that the initialization process will impact on the capacity slightly.


If two men cross, the taller and stronger member will use his ice ax as a third point of contact and will be the upstream man, facing upstream and breaking the force of the flow for his partner who also faces upstream and hangs onto the hips or belt of the upstream man.


The quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock consists of foot, ramp and a series of overshoots and undershoots, after travelling back upstream for a short distance, the reflected protons gyrate back into the downstream where an temperature anisotropy is formed due to an anisotropy of velocity distribution, then excite Alfvén ion cyclotron waves and mirror waves that dissipate the kinetic energy into heat; At quasi-parallel collisionless shocks, the reflected protons can travel far upstream, and lead to the generation of ion beam instabilities which excite large-amplitude right-hand polarized ultralow-frequency resonant waves whose frequencies are are about〓 These waves are convected back downstream by solar wind and gradually merge to form the downstream state, in the meantime new waves are generated continuously in the upstream, this process where ULF waves are generated and merge into downstream state is cyclical.


更多网络解释 与upstream相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此外,中国还有三部影片进入了"上游"(Upstream)竞赛单元,分别是田壮壮的>,陆川的>以及陈果的一部作品. 威尼斯是著名的旅游胜地,有水都之称,在离电影节开幕还有约一个月的时候,利都岛上的客房已基本订满.




本届电影节在选片方面注重多样性以及新意,参展的影片中从实验性的小成本制作到好莱坞大片无所不包,为了鼓励较具创新本质的电影,本届电影节撤消了过去的"当代电影"(Cinema Del Presente)单元,另增设"逆流"(Upstream)竞赛单元,主要收罗


Hitwise在博客中表示,Twitter此前一周约占"新闻和媒体"网站"上行"(upstream)访问量的0.14%,远低于Facebook和谷歌. 以下就是Hitwise博客文章中有关这三大网站的关键数据:Hitwise对新闻和媒体网站排名前100位的流量来源进行了统计,

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