英语人>词典>英汉 : upbearing的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络解释与upbearing相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

upbearing the clear:升淸

upbearing and effusion 升发 | upbearing the clear 升淸 | downbearing the turbid降浊

upbearing and effusion:升发

extraordinary organs 奇恒之腑 | upbearing and effusion 升发 | upbearing the clear 升淸

upbearing within downbearing:降中有升

重听 hardness of hearing | 降中有升 upbearing within downbearing | 降心火 downbear heart fire

upbearing fire flush:面红升火

面红 red facial complexion | 面红升火 upbearing fire flush | 面红目赤 red face and eyes

downbearing [medicinals] can eliminate upbearing:降可去升

降火消肿 downbear fire and disperse swelling | 降可去升 downbearing [medicinals] can eliminate upbearing | 降肌 depressor

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