英语人>词典>英汉 : up there的中文,翻译,解释,例句
up there的中文,翻译,解释,例句

up there

up there的基本解释

在那里, (美)(非正式)在天上

更多网络例句与up there相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is up there...


No, I mean, how did you get up there?


Yes, I was born and brought up there.


No one is going to tell you what to do up there.


The reason I was up there...


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更多网络解释与up there相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Up there:在高处

. Everyone dreams I could dream too .|. 每个人有梦想 我也能有梦想 . | . Up there .|. 在高处 . | . Up where the skies are ocean blue .|. 那里天空海一样兰 .

Up there:在上面

Hello, chum.|朋友,你好 | Up there.|在上面 | Miss Swann, they've come to kidnap you!|斯旺小姐,他们来绑架你

Up there:那上面

Where is it?|在哪? | Up there.|那上面 | Rescue 1, this is Rescue Center. Hal? Come in, Hal.|拯救行动1, 这里是拯救中心 哈里? 说把

Up there:在那上面

Is there something you need to tell me?|还有要跟我说的吗? | Up there-|在那上面 | No, up there!|不,是在另一边

Look, up there:看,在上面

GUARD: On the kettle! That's him, right there!|在水壶上,就是他,在那儿 | Look, up there!|看,在上面 | Sweetie? Darling?|亲爱的,孩子

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