英语人>词典>英汉 : up the wind的中文,翻译,解释,例句
up the wind的中文,翻译,解释,例句

up the wind

up the wind的基本解释


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I've got the wind up.


I think it's time to wind up the meeting.


I'm got the wind up.


I've got the wind up about his security.


He says if I don't calm down, I'm going to wind up in the hospital.


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更多网络解释与up the wind相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

up the wind:顶着风

up the river 在狱中 | up the wind 顶着风 | up to a move or two 机灵

up the wind:顶着风,逆着风

throw caution to the winds 鲁莽,轻举妄动 | up the wind 顶着风,逆着风 | wind back 卷回,绕回,把(钟表)往回拨

Walk up the Wind Frost:风霜伴我行

17.爱慕Night Mist | 18.今夜想起你Think of You Tonight | 19.风霜伴我行Walk up the Wind Frost

And how to harness up the wind:怎样逆转那飘拂的方向

Tell me where the road ahead is gonna bend 告诉我 前方的路还有哪些曲折? | And how to harness up the wind 怎样逆转那飘拂的方向? | And how to say goodbye 怎样和你说再见?

And once again the girl climbs up the wind:少女再一次攀到风的顶端

The island is taking flight 岛屿在飞翔 | And once again the girl climbs up the wind 少女再一次攀到风的顶端 | And discovers the death of the prophet bird 发现先知鸟已经死亡

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