英语人>词典>英汉 : unwritten law的中文,翻译,解释,例句
unwritten law的中文,翻译,解释,例句

unwritten law

unwritten law的基本解释


更多网络例句与unwritten law相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But there is and always will be an unwritten law of basketball etiquette.


The problem with any unwritten law is that you don't know where to go to erase it.


And these taboos place great constraint on people's daily conduct as it is the case with unwritten law.


That there seemed to be an unwritten law of the economically developed regions, together with real estate is booming.


The Characteristics of the German business people, the structure of German companies, unwritten law within the


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更多网络解释与unwritten law相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unwritten law:不成文法

由于根据法庭判决所建立起来的法律规则通常只是隐含于该判决之中,所以判例法有时又被称为"不成文法"(unwritten law). [1]38在普通法系的法律体系中,法庭针对个案所做出的判决被视为法律的正式渊源之一,其总和即为判例法. 因而,

unwritten law:成文法

但有一点得注意,英国法律是所谓的"不成文法"(unwritten law) 或"判例法"(case law), 所以你在合同中增加的条件不一定就能成立. 没有经过法院审判(testify)的条文, 真正拿到法院寻求"判决"时,可能不成立的.

unwritten law:不成文法/习惯法

unwritten convention 不成文惯例 | unwritten law 不成文法;习惯法 | upright 正直的

unwritten law:不成文法文化書名書類

8445不安靜醫藥癌症,其他症restless | 8446不成文法文化書名書類unwritten law | 8447不成文憲法政治政體,政策unwritten constitution

The Unwritten Law:法外情

1984 The Deer and the Cauldron 鹿鼎記 - Actor | 1985 The Unwritten Law 法外情 - Actor | 1986 Magic Crystal 魔翡翠 - Actor

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