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[计] 未翻译的

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PCR-SSCP was identified in the exon 3 and 3'-untranslated region of FSH-β gene.

1.5 对FSH-β基因第3外显子和部分3'非翻译区的片段进行了PCR-SSCP分析。

This is a typical case of RNA untranslated region regulates gene expression.


When checking for untranslated strings, be sure to check all the WhatsThis help and tooltips.

检查未翻译的字符串时,一定要检查所有的 WhatsThis 帮助和工具提示。

In addition, the distribution of miRNAs along the 3' untranslated region of these 22 genes exhibits different patterns.

此外,对应miRNA在这22基因的3'端非编码区(untranslated region,UTR)上的分布也呈现出各自特有的模式。

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更多网络解释与untranslated相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


untitled:::未命名 | untranslated:::未翻译 | up-to-date:::最新的

untranslated storage:非转换存储,不转换存储器

untrained driver 无经验的驾驶员 | untranslated storage 非转换存储,不转换存储器 | untransposed line 非撚架線路

untranslated storage:未翻译储存

未翻译的程序段 untranslated program segment | 未翻译储存 untranslated storage | 伪(的),假(的) untrue

RNA, Untranslated:未翻译

RNA, 卫星 RNA, Satellite | RNA, 未翻译 RNA, Untranslated | RNA, 细菌 RNA, Bacterial

untranslated region:非翻译区

单位性状 unit character | UTR非翻译区 untranslated region | 上游 upstream

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