英语人>词典>英汉 : unrounded的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

unrounded [,ʌn'raundid]


[变形] unround的动词过去式


[变形] unround的过去分词



更多网络例句与unrounded相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tears must mention that my interpretation of the unrounded.


Prior to December '08 the girdle thickness percentage which printed on the report sleeve/tab was displaying the unrounded value – 3.8% in this case.


"Population figures are rounded to the nearest 100 while percentages are rounded to 1 decimal place and percentages are derived from the corresponding unrounded figures.


That was not quite enough to move the needle on the jobless rate, which on an unrounded basis came in at 9.749%.


Yesterday, all sixth-grade class graduated according to photos, and schools are very busy all day, like a market, they are coming to graduation as a happy thing, had just eaten dinner at noon today, a large group of children running to the office came to me and Denis graduated according to their sign, the first time I realize the "stars" of the feeling of being surrounded by the signature, according to the back of a long graduated from the teachers and students full name, appears to have the same graffiti Art feeling, numerous signature reminds me of when I graduated last year, was both pleased and full of melancholy, reminds me when we separated from the sentimental and emotional, but now they also experience less than classmates, friends, respectively, the unrounded, perhaps in a number of years later, when the time to re-look at photos of them slowly recalled when primary school life, learning time, recalled the story of childhood

昨天六年级所有的班级照毕业照,,学校一整天都很热闹,像是个集市一样,他们把即将到来的毕业当成是一件快乐的事情,今天中午刚吃过饭,一大群孩子跑到办公室来找我和 Denis 给他们的毕业照上签名,我也第一次体会"明星"被包围签名的感觉,长长的毕业照背面写满了老师和同学的名字,看起来有涂鸦一样的艺术感觉,密密麻麻的签名让我想起去年我毕业的时候,心里既高兴也充满惆怅,想起大家离别时的感伤和情绪,只是现在他们还体会不到同学、朋友分别的不舍,或许是在若干年后,当那时的他们重新翻看照片时才会慢慢回忆起小学生活、学习的时光,回忆起童年的故事,体会曾经的乐趣。

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更多网络解释与unrounded相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unrounded:[语]非圆唇的,不圆唇的 非圆唇的

direct reflectance 单向反射比 | unrounded [语]非圆唇的,不圆唇的 非圆唇的 | before dark 黄昏以前


unroof 除去屋顶 | unrounded 非圆唇的 | unruffle 安慰


无约束变量 unrestricted variable | 未舍入的 unrounded | 非直纹二次曲面 unruled quadric


後Back | 展唇Unrounded | 圓唇Rounded

unrounded vowel:不圓唇化元音;不圓唇元音;不圓唇母音

untrilled 不發顫聲;不顫的;不以捲舌發出的 | unrounded vowel 不圓唇化元音;不圓唇元音;不圓唇母音 | non-literary meaning 不照字面的意義

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