英语人>词典>英汉 : unprejudicedly的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Based on morphologic and biomass measurement comparisons of morphology and resource allocation of Plantago major and P. depressacollected in the same environment have been made. The results show that quantitative relationships and resources allocations between different modules are proper in different species, they can reflect unprejudicedly ecological characteristics of individuals.

本文通过对取自同一生境条件下的两种车前属植物,即大车前和平车前(P 。depressa)不同构件间的形态学特征和生物量相关关系的比较分析,发现构件间的数量关系和各构件在资源配置上具有种间特异性,各构件生物量间的数量关系及各构件在资源配置上的数量关系,更能真实地反映出物种个体的生态学特征。