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Guinness, however, earns its money in much the same fashion as Coca-Cola and Gillette, U.S.-based companies that garner most of their profits from international operations. Indeed, in the sense of where they earn their profits continent-by-continent - Coca-Cola and Guinness display strong similarities. But you'll never get their drinks confused - and your Chairman remains unmovably in the Cherry Coke camp.

我们在健力士 Guinness 的持股代表伯克希尔第一次对海外公司进行大规模的投资,不过 Guinness 所赚的钱与可口可乐,吉列刮胡刀等美国公司却极为类似,主要都是仰赖国际部门的营运,确实以国际性的眼光来看, Guinness 与可口可乐的获利来源有相当的共通性,(但是大家绝对不能将自己最爱的饮料搞混掉,像我个人的最爱依旧是樱桃可口可乐)。