unknown [,ʌn'nəun]
- unknown的基本解释
未知的, 不知道的, 陌生的
- An unknown disease suddenly attacked the crops in this area.
- 一种尚未搞清的病虫害突然侵袭了这一带的庄稼。
- It was unknown country to me.
- 这地区对我说来是陌生的。
- We bought a drawing by an unknown artist.
- 我们买了一幅某个不出名的画家所作的画。
未知数, 未知物
- The author had been an unknown until he published his recent book.
- 这位作家一直是个默默无闻的人,直到最近出版了他的一本书。
- 相似词
- unknown的同义词
- adj. unnamed · strange · unfamiliar · nameless
- unknown的反义词
- adj. known
- 相关歌词
- Dear Father
- Undiscovered Soul
- Sweet Unknown
- Unknown Brother
- Drop Out - The So Unknown
- For Reasons Unknown
- 更多 网络例句 与unknown相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
First scanning the known handwriting materials then number them ,In pretreatment, we convert the valid part of the image into a standard size, as images carries out duotone and go throw off chirp handling in order to achieve better effect.draw features from the known handwriting materials with the Co-occurence,especially,we divided a copy of handwriting into 25 little pieces with the size of 128*128 ,drawing features from every little piecese with four directions(0 degree, 45 degrees, 90 degrees as well as 135 degrees) and calculate the four major feature values( veins and the statistical quantity of veins contrast and the statistical quantity of veins consistency Shang the statistical quantity of statistical quantity as well as the veins correlation of gray scale ), preservation all the feature value that drawn from all known ma terials to the handwriting characteristic database,then input the unknown handwriting materials, also using the method of the Co-occurence to draw those features, recycling the minimum European Distance law match the unknown writing material feature value with the handwriting characteristic feature database, export the label of the known hand writing materials which is most similar to the unknown material with minimum European Distance, and then we can confirm who is the author of the unknown material.
Then struggles is coming a secondary to die, dares to seek unknown and the challenge unknown always compared to dreads unknown with sinks confuses unknown, wants many several to divide nimble and resourceful and heroical!
The driving force that the astronomy develops, has been it is people to make cautious inquiries about to unknown object's in that boundless firmament , I have been looking up at that skyful array of stars always with sacred state of mind , there has been full of infinite profound mystery , it has been calling up people arousing our impulsion to the unknown world exploration to far boundless the unknown world thought.
- 更多网络解释 与unknown相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
它的病源、发展趋势和治疗方案(therapeutic schedule)都成为人们急需解决的课题,而又是充满众多未知数(unknown)的难题. 本文正是从统计学(statistics)角度(viewpoint)提出一个SARS病例(case)发展趋势的数学模型.
对"未知"(unknown)和"不关心"(don't care)的理解在仿真中,"未知"(unknown)和"不关心"(don't care)可以取任何逻辑值. 另一方面在综合中,与"不关心"比较一般视为False.
当查找到的模块文件不能满足需求时,该算法退回到之前未知的(unknown)处理程序. 如果满百足需求,则退回被忽略. 路径列表,由":"(UNIX)或";"(Windows)分隔. 这是用户和站点特定的,可以由环境变量设置,而不只是由用户配置文件,
刚看的电影>(Unknown)里,也有一段类似的华章. 五个失却了记忆的男人,没有了善恶之别,在齐心协力的逃脱过程中,忽然一起吹起了>的口哨,惊心动魄的逃亡故事在那一刻忽然温馨起来. 看到这里,实在忍不住要击节叫好!
unknown:abbr. unk; 未知的
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