university [,ju:ni'və:siti]
- university的基本解释
- This university is composed of five colleges and one graduate school.
- 这所大学由五个学院和一个研究生院组成。
- Did your brother go to university?
- 你哥哥上过大学吗?
- A student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents live in that state.
- 进入州立大学学习的学生的父母居住在这个州里,那么他就不需要支付很多学费。
- 相似词
- 与university相关的情景对话
- 衣食住行 / 问路
Hello! Which bus should I take to railway station?
You can take a No. 22 bus here.
Where am I supposed to change?
At University street.
- 衣食住行 / 换乘
Excuse me! Does this bus to to the railway station?
No, You’re got on the wrong bus.
You can take a No. 22 bus at the University station and then transfer to a No.83 bus at the railway station.
OK! Thank you very much!
- 衣食住行 / 车站英语对话
Excuse me! Does this bus to the railway station?
No, You’re got on the wrong bus.You can take a No. 22 bus at the University station and then transfer to a No.83 bus at the railway station.
OK! Thank you very much!
- university所属的单词分类
Building / 建筑
toll house · state house · parking garage · hot house · haunted house · ferry terminal · beach house · airport terminal · quonset hut · tipi
Store & Public Building / 公共设施
truck stop · thrift store · stationery store · sandwich shop · parking garage · outlet store · natural history museum · music store · jewelry store · furniture store
- 更多 网络例句 与university相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In order to broaden its horizon and learn from others, the institute has built cooperative relationships with several domestically well-known universities, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nankai University, Tongji University, East China Normal University, and with many internationally renowned universities, including University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of New York, Syracuse University, Connecticut University in U.S.A; Southampton University in UK; Stockholm School of Economics, Elbrus University in Sweden; Amsterdam University in Holland.
数量经济研究所自成立之初就特别注重自身的发展,为了取长补短和开阔眼界,已与北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、南开大学,同济大学和华东师范大学等国内著名高校,以及美国的芝加哥大学、密歇根大学、纽约大学、雪城大学、康涅迪格大学;英国的南安普顿大学;瑞典的斯特哥尔摩经济学院、厄尔布鲁大学;荷兰的阿姆斯特丹大学等国外著名高校建立了合作交流关系,并成功举办了三届数量经济理论与方法的国际学术研讨会,包括 2006 年国际计量经济学大会。
GMC has successively communicated in terms of academic affairs with Columbia University, U.K. Royal College of General Practitioners, San Francisco State University and Université de Bretagne Occidentale, etc. These dozens of years have seen that over 50 groups of overseas scholars, who totaled over 80 person-times, have been invited to Guangzhou Medical College for the purpose of academic communication. And a long-term academic communication and cooperation between Guangzhou Medical College and foreign as well as Hongkong famous neuroscience research centers, for instance Institute of Neurosciences and Gereology of California University, School of Medicines of Indiana University, Neuroscience Center of University of Memphis in Tennessee, School of Medicines of London University, Hongkong University, Hongkong Chinese University and Hongkong University of Science and Technology, etc., is bridged.
They can find more values on their professions for a long period of time.(2)University counselors' professional identity is increasing by age, and the differences are significant.(3)The degree of masters' professional identity is a little higher than that of students of five-years term college and undergraduates, and also the differences are significant.(4)The differences of university counselors' professional identity on work age are significant. Who work for 5 to 10 years involves into Job burnout easily.(5)The differences of university counselors' professional identity on monthly profit are significant. The counselor who owns more monthly profit may increases the degree of professional identity.(6)University counselors' professional identity is increasing by administrative level, and the differences are significant.(7)University counselors' professional identity is increasing by professional title, too. The differences are significant.(8)The differences of university counselors' professional identity on school types are significant. The professional consciousness of counselors from Key University is the highest, and General College, voluntary school, junior college follows. There are subjective and objective factors which have impacts on the identity.
- 更多网络解释 与university相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
"大学"(university)一词在澳大利亚受联邦法律严格保护,须经专家学者及政府针对相关学术、财务等方面之品质评估与认可,且由国会立法通过,方准设立. 通过以后,无论公立大学或私立大学,皆获授权允许自行开设课程以及颁授证书、文凭和学位并由澳大利亚教育部统一管理.
并与所阅读文章的中心思想和论证思路融会贯通后,再回答问题. 评估教师主要是从考生的TopicDevelopment(话题处理与发散)与DeliveryandLanguageUse(语言表达与选择)等方面进行评估. 6.最新美国综合大学(University)排名7.最新美国综合学院(College)排名
全国500强企业10家, 主要行业为高技术﹑金融服务﹑交通运输.加拿大的高等学校主要分爲大学预科(Academic College)和大学本科(University). 两者大多数由各省政府和联邦政府资助的. 目前加拿大对办私立的大学仍然存在限制.
(你好像提了三个同样的问题 我把第一个写的复制过来) 南航 总体就业率可以达到大约80%左右 不过文科的就要差很多 因为 南航 是理科 院校 文科的 学院 大部分都是为了符合国家规定的" 综合性大学 "(university) 要求...南京到海口
Stanford University:斯坦福大学
1972年,加利福尼亚州(California)斯 坦福大学(Stanford University)的研究者开始教授一只名叫Koko的雌性大猩猩手语. Koko学会了800多种手语,可以听懂几千个英语单词. 科学家发现,即使动 物园的大猩猩从来没有见过手语,它们也能用复杂的手势进行交流.
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