英语人>词典>英汉 : unit body的中文,翻译,解释,例句
unit body的中文,翻译,解释,例句

unit body

unit body的基本解释


更多网络例句与unit body相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the pilot phase in one of the hospitals, a coronary-care-unit nurse reported a veridical out-of-body experience of a resuscitated patient

在她在这家医院实习期间,这位在冠心病监护室(coronary-care-unit ,CCU,我下面用"CCU"代替这个词)工作的护士报告了一位被成功复苏患者的"灵魂出窍"的真实经历(在这里"out-of-body"指的是精神离开肉体,仿佛能从其他视角观察自己身体的状态,我暂时翻译成"灵魂出窍")。

Body was a unit body design with 4-wheel double wishbone suspension.


Improving vertical resolution for density curves is by means of restructuring the response from large and small spacing sondes and borehole effect correction factor and coherence factor are used. Form the principle of GR logging, calculate volumes in investigating areas taken by borehole, formation, up and low shoulder beds, along with distance between center of gravity of the four unit bodies and detector. Based on the above, the weighting function of each unit body to GR signal contributions are established, thus realizing processing of GR logs with high resolution. The resistivity logging model uses "resolution matching" method to improve the resolution of the logs. After the process, PNN model is made to recognize the oil-gas-water bed. Compared with BPNN, the net work is featured swiftness, accuracy and ease of practical application.


更多网络解释与unit body相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a body of troops:一支部队、一群支持者、一批人等

5 [CGp] group of people working or acting as a unit 集体; 团体; 群体 | *a body of troops, supporters, people, etc 一支部队、一群支持者、一批人等 | * a legislative, an elected body 立法团体、当选的团体

custom-built body:定制车身

custom-built 定制,定制的 | custom-built body 定制车身 | custom-built power unit 非标准动力头

custom-built power unit:非标准动力头

custom-built body 定制车身 | custom-built power unit 非标准动力头 | custom-tailor 定制