英语人>词典>英汉 : under sb.'s feet的中文,翻译,解释,例句
under sb.'s feet的中文,翻译,解释,例句

under sb.'s feet

under sb.'s feet的基本解释




更多网络例句与under sb.'s feet相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cut the ground from under sb.'s feet


更多网络解释与under sb.'s feet相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

under sb.'s feet:在某人掌握中, 完全听某人支配

under sb.'s foot 在某人掌握中, 完全听某人支配 | under sb.'s feet 在某人掌握中, 完全听某人支配 | betray the cloven foot 露马脚

under sb.'s feet:屈服于人; 阻碍某人前进

under sb.'s foot 屈服于人; 阻碍某人前进 | under sb.'s feet 屈服于人; 阻碍某人前进 | with both feet 强烈地, 坚决地

cut the ground from under sb.'s feet:拆某人的台; 以先发制人的手段破坏某人计划; 使某人论点站不住脚

common ground 共同立场, 一... | cut the ground from under sb.'s feet 拆某人的台 以先发制人的手段破坏某人计划 使某人论点站不住脚 | dark and bloody ground 美国肯塔基州的别称(因美国白人统治者曾在这里对印第...

cut the ground from under sb.'s feet:使某人失利

cut the grass from under sb.'s feet | 妨碍某人, 挫败某人 | cut the ground from under sb.'s feet | 使某人失利 | cut the knot | 快刀斩乱麻

cut the ground from under sb.'s feet:使某的论据站不住脚;拆某人的台

Let's try to make the best use of our resources and cut the production costs to th... | cut the ground from under sb's feet使某的论据站不住脚;拆某人的台: | They often cut the ground from under each oth...

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