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uncertainty principle的中文,翻译,解释,例句

uncertainty principle

uncertainty principle的基本解释

[化] 测不准原理

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The article analyzed the main resources of the uncertainty of the measurement, which include uncertainty of the working curve, uncertainty of the resolution ratio of the instrument, uncertainty of measure unrepeatability, uncertainty of standard solution, etc. It quantified these uncertainties respectively and composed them to a standard uncertainty. Finally it got the expanded uncertainty of the total organic carbon measurement.


In this paper, the principle of caution to start the basic theory, expounded the principle of care and the role of meaning, emphasizing the principle of caution for owners, managers, creditors, as well as the importance of accounting personnel; introduced the principle of prudent accounting practice in China and the need for careful application of the principle of the basic requirements; detailed exposition of the principle of prudent asset impairment provision, recognition and measurement of intangible assets, fixed assets depreciation method choice, the recognition and measurement of income, inventory valuation methods choice, or there are matters of identification and disclosure of the application and embodiment of the main; focused on the principle of prudent asset impairment in the recognition, the recognition and measurement of intangible assets, fixed assets depreciation method choice, revenue recognition and measurement, inventory valuation methods, or there are matters of recognition and disclosure issues that exist in reality; and on the careful application of the principle of how to correctly Suggestions: correct handling of the principle of caution to the principles and other relations, reduce the tax policy and differences in accounting policies, appropriate use of the principle of prudence, strengthen auditing and supervision, and strengthen the internal mechanism to improve the accounting standards in the application of the principle of prudent operational, financial reporting to strengthen the disclosure of information, enhance professional accountants capable of making judgments.


There are many serious misleading in how to apply the principle of "fraud exception", whereas, it is necessary to make a legal research on the principle of "fraud exception" in light of former researches. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, the author put emphasis on the principle of abstract independence, the definition, the establishment and development of the principle of fraud exception, the analysis of the fraud, the theory, the prerequisite and the procedure of apply the principle of "fraud exception" in order to establish the general principle and necessary procedure. In the second part, the author analysis the existing backward conditions oflegislation and judicial practice in China, and courts" attitude to the judicial remedy for the principle of " fraud exception", further, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to make the legislation on the principle of "fraud exception" perfect, and how to apply the procedure of judicial remedy for the principle of "fraud exception". Lastly, the author hopes that these suggestions could benefit to the judicial practice and the future legislation on the principle of "fraud exception.


更多网络解释 与uncertainty principle相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

uncertainty principle:测不准原理

量子力学诞生之后, 尤其是著名的 "测不准原理" (Uncertainty Principle) 提出前后, 物理学家们对这一理论的内涵、 它的自洽性和完备性等问题进行了长时间激烈的争论.

uncertainty principle:不确定原理

量子论中的"不确定原理"(UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE)用之于股市是再恰当不过的──没有人能在长期的市场预测中始终立于不败之地. 正因如此,在预测的基础上不断用各种新的因素对原有的结论做出微调方能得到比较切合客观实际的结果.

uncertainty principle:不确定[性]原理

这一结论称之为不确定性原理(uncertainty principle). 关於这点又将如何回答呢?传统量子力学的回答是使用了一种所谓条件态(conditional stste)的概念. 某个粒子的态完全地描述了粒子的制备和系统的各个细节,它使我们决定对这个系统实施测量所能得到的结果.

uncertainty principle:测不准原则

根据1927年海森堡(Werner Heisenbrg)提出的"测不准原则(Uncertainty principle)"粒子的位置和其动量不能被同时认识到. (3)事件集可以划分(partitioned)为"常态子集"和"异态子集". 以上概念是对物体或事件的基本单元的. 现在讨论物体或事件的集合.

Heisenberg uncertainty principle:海森伯测不准原理

(需要注意的是,"观察者效应"和"海森伯测不准原理"(Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle)并不是一回事儿,尽管你会常常遇到人们对这两个概念误解误用. 简要地说,前者重点在"观察",后者重点在"测量". )

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