uncertain [ʌn'sə:tn]
- uncertain的基本解释
不确定的, 无常的, 不可预测的, 不确信的
- We didn't have the picnic because the weather was uncertain.
- 我们没有出去野餐,因为天气变幻莫测。
- I am still uncertain whether he will come today.
- 我仍不能肯定他今天是否会来。
- I am uncertain what to do.
- 我确定不了做什么。
- The date of his departure is uncertain.
- 他离开的日期尚未确定。
- 相似词
- uncertain的同义词
- adj. changeable · speculative · precarious · unsure · doubtful · unpredictable · insecure
- uncertain的反义词
- adj. certain
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- uncertainty principle
- uncertainty relation
- uncertain所属的单词分类
Personal Qualities / 个人品质
above average · well-respected · short-tempered · drugged · cool · dextrous · crabby · zealous · wonderful · willing
- 更多 网络例句 与uncertain相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This paper discusses such problems which are easily solved incorrectly in limitedteaching as, segment function is uncertain not to be elementary function, elementary function is un-certain to be continuous in its field of definition, unlimited variable is uncertain to be infinity, theinfinitely many infinitesimal is uncertain to be infinitesimal, the multiplication of two non- infinitesi-mal is uncertain not to be infinitesimal.
1分段函数不一定不是初等函数我们知道初等函数的定义是:常数和基本初等函数经过有限次的四则运算或复合,用一个解析式表示的函数叫初等函数。教材中的定义强调的"有限次"和"一个解析式",使很多同学产生"非有限次"和"非一个解析式"的函数就不是初等函数的误解。例1f=ceox,s xx!0为分段函数,但也可以表示为f=e12(x-x2")+cos12(x+x2#"$)-1,故为初等函数。
In Chapter 5, some knowledge about large-scale system and methods for investigating them are introduced, Lyapunov function, differential inequality, Razumikhin theorem, matrix norm and measure methods have been used to discuss the stability of uncertain large-scale system with delays and decay estimates for uncertain time-varying large-scale system with delays, the criteria of stability and decay estimates for uncertain large-scale system with delays are given.
Based on the description of uncertain linear and area objects, intersection degrees for parts of uncertain linear and area objects are represented quantitatively. By calculating correlation degrees between spatial vectors composed of these measurement units and spatial relation vectors determined by 9-intersection model, a new model is presented for topological relations between uncertain linear objects and fuzzy region, which could distinguish the type of topological relations through quantitative analysis method.