unaware [,ʌnə'wɛə]
- unaware的基本解释
不知道的, 没觉察到的, 没有发觉的
- He was unaware of the danger.
- 他没有意识到有危险。
- She was unaware that you were coming.
- 她不知道你要来。
- He was unaware that I was present.
- 他不知道我在场。
- 相似词
- unaware的同义词
- adj. unmindful · unconscious · unsuspecting · unknowing · ignorant
- unaware的反义词
- adj. aware
- 拼写相近单词
- unawared
- unawaredly
- unawareness
- unawares
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- unaware of
- 更多 网络例句 与unaware相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine Tell her to make me a cambric shirt (On the side of a hill, in the deep forest green) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (Tracing of sparrow on snow-crested brown) Without no seams nor needlework (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) Then she'll be a true love of mine (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) Tell her to find me an acre of land (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (Washes the grave with silvery tears) Between the salt water and the sea strand (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) Then she'll be a true love of mine (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather (War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions) Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme (Generals order their soldiers to kill) And to gather it all in a bunch of heather (And to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten) Then she'll be a true love of mine
香菜、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香请代我向她问候她曾是我的挚爱请她为我做一件棉衬衫(在山丘的那一边,在蓊郁的森林里)香菜、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香不能有接缝,也不能用针线(毛毯、床单和山上的孩子)这样,她就可以成为我的挚爱(睡梦中浑然不觉那嘹亮的召唤)请她为我找一亩地(在山丘的那一边,几片树叶飘落下来)香菜、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香地必须位在海水和海岸之间(一位士兵洗净并擦亮了步枪)这样,她就可以成为我的挚爱(睡梦中却浑然不觉那嘹亮的召唤)请她用皮制的镰刀收割(战争在鲜红的军营里怒吼燃烧)香菜、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香(将军下令士兵们开始杀戮)用石南草捆扎成束为了一个他们早已遗忘的理由而战斗这样,她就可以成为我的挚爱 Hijo de la luna月亮之子 Tonto el que no entienda搞不懂的愚人哪 Cuenta una leyenda这是一个传说 Que una hembra gitana关于一名吉普赛女郎 Conjuró a la luna hasta el amanecer。
She has an unimaginably tremendous power to change the world, but she is totally unaware of her own power and so she is also unaware of the effect of her power on the outside world.
They are unaware of the charges, unaware of the interest rates,' Mr. Kulkarni says.'They just take the money because it is freely available.
- 更多网络解释 与unaware相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
学校当局(school authority)经常拒绝面对这样的问题:政府(government)控制药品滥用部门 (drug-abuseagency)的工作做得太少,没有告知(inform)公众(public)药品滥用这一问题;许多医生 (physician)在给青少年做体检时似乎仍然没有意识(unaware)到这个问题.
该模型描述了用户对新产品从不知道( Unaware )到知道( Aware ),到试用该产品( Trail ),最后到重复购买和使用( Repeat )的过程. 因此,使用该模型预测新产品销售情况的关键在于估计用户由知道该产品到试用该产品的概率和有试用到重复购买和使用的概率.
unavoidable cause 不可避免的原因 | unaware 不知道的 | unaware need 莫名需求
brief 简短的,短暂的,暂时的 | unaware 不知道的,无察觉的 | component 部件
unaware unprepared:措手不及
粗枝大叶的broad-brush | 措手不及unaware unprepared | 错综复杂 扑朔迷离 anfractuosity
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