英语人>词典>英汉 : ubiquitousness的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与ubiquitousness相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Compared to foreign experiences, insider trading in China stock market has its own characteristics, such as ubiquitousness, invisibility, diversity of the subject of trading and relevance to other illegal activities.


Even now, the ubiquitousness of dams is one of their most striking features: the world's highest dam is in Tadzhikistan, the largest reservoir is in Uganda, and the dam with the biggest hydroelectric capacity is on the Brazil-Paraguay border.


With the ubiquitousness of the Web, many CMSs ? are now classified as Web CMSs ?, either because they have a Web-based interface or because they focus on a Web-based delivery system over the Internet or an intranet.

使用普遍存在的Web,很多CMS系统现在被分类为Web CMS,因为他们要么由一个web界面,或者因为他们主要集中于一个通过内部网或者因特网的web发布系统。

Traditional education framework has become deficient in satisfying the needs of societal progression as people's work modality, learning behavior, perception and life style being transformed by the computing ubiquitousness and Internet escalation in the 21st century's leaping information germination.


With the ubiquitousness of the web, many cmss ? are now classified as web cmss ?, either because they have a web-based interface or because they focus on a web-based delivery system over the internet or an intranet. plone provides a web management interface and web-based delivery system.

使用普遍存在的web,很多cms系统现在被分类为web cms,因为他们要么由一个web界面,或者因为他们主要集中于一个通过内部网或者因特网的web发布系统。plone提供了一个web管理界面和一个web发布界面。

更多网络解释与ubiquitousness相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

principle of ubiquitousness:通用原则

water, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity;水、能源、健康、农业和生物多样化(WEHAB);WEHA... | principle of ubiquitousness;通用原则;; | principle of penal law with representation;代理人出庭刑事审讯...