typhoon [tai'fu:n]
- typhoon的基本解释
- A typhoon in 1954 sank a ferry, drowning 1,218 people.
- 一九五四年的一次台风刮沉了一艘渡轮,淹死一千二百十八人。
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- typhoons
- typhoon所属的单词分类
Water / 水
water well · water drop · snowmelt · snow flurry · ice pellets · gravity flow · H2O · brackish water · non-potable · hydropower
Weather / 天气
wind shear · weather satellite · tropical storm · tropical disturbance · tropical depression · supercell · snow level · snow flurry · rain shadow · prevailing wind
- 更多 网络例句 与typhoon相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
First, UWPBL model(The University of Washington Planetary Boundary Layer Model) is used to retrieve typhoon's sea level pressure from sea surface winds data of SeaWinds which aboard on QuikSCAT and these strength results are analyzed. Then the variational method is applied to decompose the sea surface winds field into two parts: the vortex and irrotational environmental flow field, the UWPBL model is used again to retrieve ShanShan and YaGi typhoons' sea level pressure from the vortex flow field, the results of typhoon's central positions are analyzed by comparing the results with the results of direct retrieving, NCEP's data and typhoon annual reports. It turns out that the accuracy of the typhoon's sea level pressure central position has been obviously improved, This method offers a new idea for the study of typhoon from microwave scatterometer data.
The concept of "typhoon":Some subjects lacked clear concept about the density of isobaric line of the typhoon, and the processing route, the weather situation of the typhoon eye and the icon of the typhoon on the weather map.
Based on division of regions of a typhoon and characteristic scales of physical quantities done by Anthes,sets of equations governing different parts of the typhoon are derived with scale analysis and wave energy equations for each part are obtained with the WKB method. Discussions indicated that physical factors contributing to typhoon development are unconstant in all parts of the typhoon,respectively shown as vertical changes in vorticity and tangential wind for the core and outer mid-tropospheric area,...
- 更多网络解释 与typhoon相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
宝马今年年初相继推出的X5 M和X6 M以其555马力的最高功率,一举超越保时捷Cayenne Turbo S,成为市面上最强劲的量产SUV. 现在,以高性能改装而著称的G-Power发现,它们仍然有相当大的潜力有待挖掘,于是推出了这两款名为X5 M/X6 M "台风"(TYPHOON)作品.
台风 - 台风(Typhoon) 歌词本站所提供的台风-台风(Typhoon)的歌词仅出於教育目的. 如果您喜爱台风-台风(Typhoon)的歌曲,歌词请购买正版CD支持我们喜爱的歌星. 本站上的台风-台风(Typhoon)下载,台风- 台风(Typhoon)试听均来自於互联网上其他网站(如:迅雷下载等),
typhoon:体术 - 末日风暴(觉醒)
├ throwenemy 体术 - 抛投 | ├ typhoon 体术 - 末日风暴(觉醒) | ├ venommine 狂暴 - 毒雷
typhoon:台风. 例如
The hurricane blew with such force that trees were uprooted.飓风刮得太猛,把树连根拔起. | 6.typhoon 台风. 例如: | The typhoon hit the south China mainland.台风袭击了华南大陆.
typhoon:abbr. ty; 则称台风
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