英语人>词典>英汉 : tuning fork的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标
tuning fork的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

tuning fork ['tju:niŋ]

tuning fork的基本解释


更多网络例句与tuning fork相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You'll have to find some kind of tuning fork, I imagine.


Another good example is that of a tuning fork.


It is a tuning fork on a certain wave length, which makes up your Energetic Signature.


The best way to explain how the pendant works is to compare it to a tuning fork.


When it is struck,the tuning fork produce pure tone ,retaining its pitch over a long period of


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更多网络解释与tuning fork相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tuning fork:音叉

因此,上电复位(POR)后或者从休眠中唤醒后的休眠/POR LP、XT 或HS 32 kHz 到20 MHz 1024 个时钟周期(OST)于驱动32.768 kHz 音叉(Tuning Fork)式晶振(钟表RC 振荡器频率与供电电压、电阻(REXT)和电容可通过OSCCON 寄存器的系统时钟选择(SCS)位,

tuning fork:音

tubular bells 管钟 | tuning fork 音* | twelfth 十二度

tuning fork:音叉调制

频率调谐:Frequency tuning | 音叉调制:Tuning fork | 二次精调:fine tuning adjustment

tuning fork:音叉骨针

06.0847 小荆骨针 microcalthrops | 06.0848 音叉骨针 tuning fork | 06.0849 三叉骨针 triaene

tuning fork oscillator:音叉振荡器

tuning device 党装置 | tuning fork oscillator 音叉振荡器 | tuning fork resonator 音叉谐振器

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