英语人>词典>英汉 : tuberous root的中文,翻译,解释,例句
tuberous root的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tuberous root

tuberous root的基本解释


更多网络例句与tuberous root相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine grown widely in warm regions of the United States.


The long underground tuberous root accumulate many phytochemicals that are very benefit to human health.


Edible tuberous root of various yam plants of the genus Dioscorea grown in the tropics world-wide for food.


Bellflower of Europe and Asia and North Africa having bluish flowers and an edible tuberous root used with the leaves in salad.


That may be correlated with that the tuberous root is a storage organ.


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更多网络解释与tuberous root相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tuberous root:块根

◎块根(Tuberous root)植物侧根或不定根膨大而成. 这种变态根不像萝卜等,每株只形成一个肉质根,而是一株可以形成许多膨大的块根. 富含淀粉质而膨大的根,能大量储藏养份或水份. 常见的如甘薯的块根.

tuberous root:块状根

tuberosity 有块茎 | tuberous root 块状根 | tuberous 有块茎的

tuberous root:塊根 -膨大貯存養分的根

tuber 塊莖 膨大貯存養分的地下莖有節 | tuberous root 塊根 -膨大貯存養分的根 | tubular 管狀 細長管開口略小或些微展開

Radix Aristolochiae Tuberosae Tuberous Dutchmanspipe Root Tuber:朱砂蓮

252 南木香 Radix Aristolochiae Yunnanensis Yunnan Dutchmanspipe ... | 253 朱砂蓮 Radix Aristolochiae Tuberosae Tuberous Dutchmanspipe Root Tuber | 254 烏藥 Radix Linderae Aggregatae Combined Spicebush ...