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tub chair的中文,翻译,解释,例句

tub chair

tub chair的基本解释


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Our company has following products at present,Baby Potty,High Chair,Baby Bath Tub,Baby Rocking Chair,Slide,Swing and Auto Swing.


Use care when getting in and out of a car, chair, or tub, as well as for climbing, lifting, carrying, pulling, or pushing objects. Think before you strain.


At one point, an empty little tub chair belonging to a mysterious Jedi Master was to be seen in the film, and there was a serious contender to fill it.


At one point, an empty little tub chair belonging to a mysterious Jedi Master was to be seen in the film, and there was a serious contender to fill it.


When the Jedi Council scene was arranged in such a way as to see a tub chair on screen, George Lucas wanted a Ratts Tyerell-type alien sitting there.


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