英语人>词典>英汉 : trumpet flower的中文,翻译,解释,例句
trumpet flower的中文,翻译,解释,例句

trumpet flower

trumpet flower的基本解释

开喇叭形花的植物, 紫葳

更多网络例句与trumpet flower相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Trumpet flower in the yard .


Corona 1. In flowering plants, any type of outgrowth from the petals or sepals, such as the trumpet of the daffodil flower.

冠;根颈;副花冠:1 在开花植物中,任何从花瓣或萼片中向外生长的部分,例如水仙花的喇叭形状。

Thing shaped like a trumpet ,esp the open flower of a daffodil


This thesis consists of three chapters, apart from the introduction and conclusion. In the first chapter, enter-city farmers" images are divided into the following 5 kinds according to their different living styles presented in the novel texts:(1)"loach " in trouble;(2)"migratory bird" in city sky;(3)"trumpet creeper flower" in desire;(4)"upper dog who changes his status by effort;(5) fighter who strives to be stronger.


Adlet and trumpet flower .


更多网络解释与trumpet flower相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

trumpet flower:开喇叭形花的植物

trumpet creeper 凌霄花 | trumpet flower 开喇叭形花的植物 | trumpet shell 海螺

Evening trumpet flower:常绿钩吻藤

Evening primrose 月见草 580 | Evening trumpet flower 常绿钩吻藤 53 | Everlasting persimmon 乌柿 476

India trumpet flower:木蝴蝶

India rubber fig 橡皮树 511 | India trumpet flower 木蝴蝶 337 | Indian iphigenia 山慈姑 393

Trumpet Flower of The Sentry:哨所的喇叭花

08 什么也不说 Say Nothing | 09 哨所的喇叭花 Trumpet Flower of The Sentry | 10 草原上没有孤单的白杨 No lonely aspen on the Grassland