trot [trɔt]
- trot的基本解释
快步走, 小跑
- Well, I must be trotting off home.
- 嗯,我得回家去了。
- The small boy trotted along after his brother.
- 小男孩跟在哥哥后面快步往前走。
- The horse trotted along the road.
- 马沿着大道小跑。
使小跑, 策马小跑
- My father used to trot me down for a visit.
- 我父亲过去常带我去作客。
- He broke into a trot.
- 他突然小跑起来。
- 相似词
- 与trot相关的词组
- trot out:炫耀地出示, 骑马快步跑给人看, 提出...供赞同
- on the trot:接连地
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- troch.
- trochal disc
- trochal disk
- 更多 网络例句 与trot相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Gaits and movements performed at this level include collected and extended walk, trot, and canter; trot and canter half-pass ( a movement where the horse travels on a diagonal line keeping its body almost parallel with the arena wall while making bothe forward and sideways steps in each stride); passage ( a slow-motion trot); piaffe (an approach to "trot in place"); one and two tempi changes (where the horse changes from one lead to the other in the canter); and pirouettes (a 360-degree circle that is almost in place).
Gaits and movements performed at this level include collected and extended walk, trot, and canter; trot and canter half-pass ( a movement where the horse travels on a diagonal line keeping its body almost parallel with the arena wall while making bothe forward and sideways steps in each stride); passage ( a slow-motion trot); piaffe (an approach to "trot in place"); one and two tempi changes (where the horse changes from one lead to the other in the canter); and pirouettes (a 360-degree circle that is almost in place).
He horserides cockhorse, leaping in the saddle The lady goes a pace a pace and the coachman goes a trot a trot and the gentleman goes a gallop a gallop a gallop a gallop.
- 更多网络解释 与trot相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
狐步舞起源于美国黑人的一种舞蹈,因其舞步为模仿狐狸(Fox)小跑(Trot)的姿态,所以叫做Foxtrot. 狐狸小跑时是用四条腿不断交替移动,左右交叉前进. 跳狐步舞时,同样也是左右脚交叉前进和后退,不会在一小节末了成并合步. 狐步舞移步平稳,
trot 连环系泊浮 | trot 系泊小船的浮筒绳索;曳绳钓 | trot 系泊小船的浮筒绳索曳绳钓
march 行军;进军 | trot 小步走;狐步 | wobble 颤抖地走
fox trot:狐步舞
狐步舞(Fox Trot)源于英国,其舞步相当具有美国风,行云流水的动作中,充满悠闲、轻松、流畅及优美的特性. 狐步是一个较难拿握的舞种,要诠释出狐步舞的流畅特性,须有扎实的基础. 本片特邀著名舞蹈家贴身教学示范,
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