英语人>词典>英汉 : trial heat的中文,翻译,解释,例句
trial heat的中文,翻译,解释,例句

trial heat

trial heat的基本解释


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During the heat of a trial, he says he can work ninety hour weeks subsisting on


Commissioning. Heat load trial run period, to assume the contract of the equipment installation and commissioning work.


6 Engineering heat load trial run after passing the 20 working days, the buyer to pay 10% of the amount of the contract, including 10,000 yuan.

4.2.6 工程热负荷试车合格后20个工作日内,买方支付合同款项的10%,计人民币万元。

Based on the trial of two different heat treatment processes for TP321 tube blank ,this paper revealed influence of solution treatment and solution treatment plus stabilization treatment on room temperature tensile strength,elevated temperature tensile strength,microstructure and grain size of TP321 tube blank .

通过对 TP321管坯材料的热处理工艺试验,阐述了材料经固溶处理和固溶处理+稳定化处理这二组热处理工艺后对材料室温和高温拉伸性能、组织和晶粒度的影响。

The comprehensive heat transfer basic trial study about the influence factors, regular pattern and the limit heat transfer capability and effect of augmentation of heat transfer of jet impingement has been completed.


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trial heat:预赛,选拔赛

1026 treading water 踩水 | 1027 trial heat 预赛,选拔赛 | 1028 trough 凹槽(两浪间的凹处)

heat; trial match:预赛

国际比赛:international tournament | 预赛:heat; trial match | 半决赛:semi-final heat