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He defended his client's civil rights trenchantly.


While the influence of Athanasius on the Canon of the Old Testament was negative and exclusive, in that of the New Testament it was trenchantly constructive.


In The Clash of Civilizations he argued trenchantly for a revival of collective spirit, and a rejection of both multiculturalism at home and neoconservative universalism abroad.


Expounding trenchantly the pith and marrow of human right, including its nature, subjects, basic conditions, context and so on, the thought plays a great part in developing the Marxis...


This claim was trenchantly criticised by Edward Rosen,[32] and has been decisively disproved by Owen Gingerich , who examined every surviving copy of the first two editions and found copious marginal notes by their owners throughout many of them.

这种说法是trenchantly批评爱德华罗森, [ 32 ] ,并已果断反驳欧文金格里奇,谁审查每一个活着的副本前两个版本,并发现大量旁注由其所有者整个许多人。

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trench 濠 | trenchantly 锐利地 | trenched 挖有沟槽的

trenchantly:锐利地; 尖锐地 (副)

trenchant 锐利的, 苛刻的, 尖刻的 (形) | trenchantly 锐利地; 尖锐地 (副) | trencherman 食量大的人; 食者 (名)