英语人>词典>英汉 : tree-dwelling的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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Mace's impulsiveness almost was his undoing, as he fell victim to a tree-dwelling tempter who lured his attention to a knothole in a tree.


Phascolarctos cinereus(灰色的, ash-colored): Australian tree-dwelling marsupial; national icon; nocturnal, odorous, somnolent.


Tasseled tails swaying in the shade, near villages of tree-dwelling elves.


Tasseled tails swaying in the shade, near villages of tree-dwelling elves.


This comes in especially handy as it is tree-dwelling.


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tasseled tails swaying in the shade, near villages of tree-dwelling elves:豹子悬挂树梢,尾巴在阴影中摇摆

Let's walk on the Daraja Plains, where leopard... | tasseled tails swaying in the shade, near villages of tree-dwelling elves.(豹子悬挂树梢,尾巴在阴影中摇摆. | Glorious, to walk again across the savan...

arboreal tree-dwelling:树木的;树栖的

arbitrarily randomly 任意地;专横地 | arboreal tree-dwelling 树木的;树栖的 | ardent passionate 热心的;热情的

Pale colored ventral abdomen on tree-dwelling Oecanthus found in TX:德州的下腹是淡颜色的竹蛉

18. Rusty color to ventral side of abdome... | 19. Pale colored ventral abdomen on tree-dwelling Oecanthus found in TX --- 德州的下腹是淡颜色的竹蛉. _D6m/YI, | 20. Yellowish ventral abdomen on Four-s...