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On either side rocks, cliffs, tree-tops, and a steep slope: forward there, the length of the boat, a tamer descent, tree-clad, with hints of pink: and then the jungly flat of the island, dense green, but drawn at the end to a pink tail.


A light railway and a highway thread their way uphill through tree-clad slopes to the very summit of Mount Ali.


The farewell scene at the top again takes place on a plateau, this time marked by a shallow zig-zag bank running across the picture. Sākyamuni is seated on the same rock as in the central scene, but here it is seen from the left. Chandaka and Kanthaka in front of him kneel beneath a double or triple layer of steep green tree-clad slopes, undercut by fissured cliffs.


LOOK west from the office towers of the energy companies that dominate Calgary, and the view is spectacular: rolling prairies rise to tree-clad foothills, with the jagged, snow-capped peaks of the Rockies on the horizon.


The hotel is located on a 38-acre site atop a gently sloping tree-clad hill, close to the town of Paro. This is one of the main cultural centres of Bhutan situated towards its western border. It is also where the nation's only airport is located, with flights to Bangkok, Calcutta, Delhi, Dhaka and Kathmandu, serviced by Bhutan's national airline, Druk Air.

Uma Paro位于占地38英亩的山顶上,山上种满各式草木,更邻近不丹西面主要文化集中地之一──Paro市中心,更设有全国唯一机场,不丹国有航空公司──不丹航空公司供来往曼谷、加尔各答、德里、Dhaka以及加德满都航班升降。

更多网络解释与tree-clad相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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