英语人>词典>英汉 : trauma的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

trauma ['trɔ:mə]


外伤, 损伤, 精神创伤

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Familiar location of trauma is shaft of tibia and fibula, shaft of thigh, shaft of ulna and ridius, ankle and foot, chest, knee, coax, pelvis, wrist and hand, shoulder, skull, shoulder bone, spine and elbow in turn. The familiar complication and accompanying trauma is shock, trauma of skull and brain, trauma of chest, trauma of nerve and vessel , fat embolism, trauma of organ in abdomen and trauma of urine system. 3. Emphasizing the treatment before and after the hospital can decrease the mortality and improve the quality of treatment. 4 The effect of early treatment is better than delayed treatment , internal fixation is done in 72h is better than after 72h, which can improve the function and reduce the complication menacing life.


CASE REPORTAfter analyzing the identification data in 47 cases of ear trauma from January, 1994 to April, 2002, it was studied that the correlated problems of forensic clinical identification for ear trauma. Out of 47 cases of ear trauma, male was 72%, 30~49 of ages was 60%, the farmers and workers occupy 51%, the civil case occupies 85%. The part of ear injury was most of auricle of ear(43%)and ear drum(25%). There was no different in injury of right and left ear and the flesh trauma occupies 66%.

病例报告通过对 1994年 1月至 2 0 0 2年 4月的 47例耳外伤鉴定资料分析,探讨在耳外伤法医临床学鉴定中涉及的相关问题。47例耳外伤中男性占72 %,年龄 30~ 49岁占 6 0 %,工人和农民占 5 1%,民事案件占 85 %,损伤部位以鼓膜和耳廓损伤为多,分别占 43%和 2 5 %,左右耳受伤机率基本相同,轻伤占 6 6 %。

METHODS:Forty cases of traumatic optic neuropathy were analyzed retrospectively. Univariate analysis (Chi-square test) and logistic regression were performed to filter the risk factors to the visual prognosis of traumatic optic neuropathy. Eight variables were tested, including corticosteriod treatment in 2 days after trauma,no light perception,frontal or temple trauma,orbital hemorrhage and/or fracture,disturbance of consciousness,age ,other ocular trauma and presence of blood within the sphenoidal or ethmoidal sinus.

回顾分析40例外伤性视神经病变患者的临床资料,将伤后2d内是否接受激素治疗,伤后有无光感,有无意识障碍,是否有额颞部受伤,有无眶内积血和或眼眶骨折,患者年龄,是否合并其它眼外伤及是否有蝶、筛窦积血等8个变量纳入研究,通过单因素分析(χ 2检验)和多因素分析(Logistic回归分析),筛选出影响外伤性视神经病变视力预后的危险因素。

更多网络解释 与trauma相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其父Dario Argento是意大利的恐怖片大师,以制造希区柯克式的悬念和拉斯冯特里尔般的黑暗视觉闻名,1993年他执导的影片>(Trauma)是其与女儿合作的开始.


这个场景被称为"原初场景"(Urszene),而那个懵懂无知的婴儿因此所受到的精神上的毁坏性的震撼,被称作"创伤"(Trauma). 婴儿把他当时看到的却完全不能理解的原初场景保留在了无意识的深处,并且同童年时听到的关于狼的格林童话>(Rotkä


而"急救先锋"(Trauma)将被踢出周一晚间档 ,对于"急救先锋"(Trauma)的去留,NBC方面仍然犹豫不决,在档期上也没有太多空间. "Day One's"的削减将为春季档留下少些档期,不过谁知道呢. 对于"糊涂神探"(Chuck),


胎儿期间和幼年时期产生的精神伤害(trauma)、以及愤怒和悲伤等消极情感储存在大脑的扁桃体内. 一旦有压力,受到刺激的扁桃体便会产生兴奋,分泌导致情绪紧张的物质肾上腺皮质素(cortisone),进而,促进扁桃体的兴奋,形成恶性循环.

birth trauma:出生创伤

固定用一种模式来解决问题,例如有些催眠师会把所有的问题都导向前世;有些则把所有的起因都指向童年时代受到性侵害,然后千方百计引导你去回忆这类经验;有些催眠师则认为所有的毛病都跟"出生创伤"(Birth trauma)有关.

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