translation [træns'leiʃən]
- translation的基本解释
翻译, 译文, 转化, 调任
- 相似词
- translation的同义词
- n. version · rendering · transformation
- 相关歌词
- Ya Nabi Salam Alayka (Arabic Version)
- Ya Nabi Salam Alayka
- Sorry
- Corazones Y Sombras
- Loose Translation
- Guantanamo
- 更多 网络例句 与translation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
translation is a cultural activity;it's more than the transformation between two languages.what translation should achieve is to explain and spread culture between two languages.under the guidance of susan bassnett and andre lefevere,urger and impeller of'cultural turn',translation has been elevated to the height of cultural construction.culture discussion has become one of the newest headings in translation research.traditional chinese medicine is the embodiment and one of the most important parts of traditional chinese a result,in the procedure of translation of traditional chinese medicine,translation of culture characteristic is the most important thing.translation research of traditional chinese medicine has always been focused on what method should be used,such as the discussion about literal translation or free translation,the discussion whether use foreignizing method or domesticating method in the translation of traditional chinese is only the argument of whether convey traditional chinese medicine culture in english translation and how much the culture should be conveyed.
翻译本身是一种文化活动。翻译不仅是两种文字的相互转化,翻译活动所完成的是将文化内涵在两种语言之间阐释和传播。在翻译研究"文化转向"的两位主要倡导者和推进者susan bassnett和andre lefevere研究进展的启发之下,翻译被提到文化构建的高度。从文化角度研究翻译成为翻译研究的前沿课题,为翻译理论的发展注入了新的活力。中医体现了中国传统文化,是其重要组成部分,对文化内涵的处理得当与否决定了翻译的好与坏。中医翻译学术界在操作层面上一直有直译与意译之争,归化与异化之争,说到底不过是对中医传统文化在英译文中是否体现以及体现多少的争论。
This thesis tries to introduce translator's subjectivity applied in the translation of english film titles with concrete examples from the following aspects: the importance of the translation of english film titles, the methods of the translation of english film titles, translator's purposiveness applied in the translation of english film titles, translator's autonomy applied in the translation of english film titles, translator's activity applied in the translation of english film titles and translator's creativity applied in the translation of english film titles.
Chapter Four systematically discusses sharp distinctions between general translation theory and legal translation, a famous modern translation strategy and other major aspects of legal translation such as the goal of legal translation, special-purpose translation and plurilingual legal texts.
- 更多网络解释 与translation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
1996年1月和7月,"翻译"(Translation)取代"完形填空";1997年1月,出现了"简答题"(Short Answer Question,简称SAQ). 自此,第四部分的考题就成了四级试卷中最变幻莫测的题型. 本书为>系列丛书之完形填空.翻译.简答分册,具有以下特点:一
电动平移台 平移 一、定义: 平移(translation)是指在平面内,将一个图形沿着某个方向移动一定的距离,这样的图形运动叫做平移,平移不改变物体的形状和大小.
这时,就要将以外币(功能性货币)计量的报表折算(Translation)成报告货币(本国货币或母公司所在国货币),这样的观点可称为"子公司货币观点". 依据子公司货币观点应选用现行汇率法. 汇率变动的影响数列为股东权益的调整数,即其他综合收益.
翻译专业一般来讲主要侧重以下三个方向: 笔译(Translation):侧重书面翻译,需要具备一定的文学功底和大量的英文词汇. 这一方向的课程设置包括:比较文体学和高级翻译,翻译学概论,翻译理论和实践研究, 文化转换的问题,翻译史等等.
Translation Checker:翻译核对员
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