英语人>词典>英汉 : transcortical的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

transcortical [træns'kɔ:tikəl]


[医] 经皮质的, 连接皮质的

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On postnatal Day 5, wild-type mice and mice lacking alpha2A-adrenoceptor (alpha2A-KO) or alpha2C-adrenoceptor subtypes (alpha2C-KO) were randomly assigned to receive dexmedetomidine (3 microg/kg) or phosphate-buffered saline intraperitoneally. Thirty minutes after the intraperitoneal injection, the glutamatergic agonist ibotenate (10 microg) was intracerebrally injected, producing transcortical necrosis and white matter lesions that mimic perinatal human hypoxic-like lesions.

将出生后5天的野生型大鼠和缺乏α2A(α2A-KO)或α2C(α2C-KO)肾上腺受体亚型的大鼠腹膜内随机注射右旋美托咪啶(3 μg/kg)或磷酸钠缓冲液。30分钟后,脑内注射10μg 谷氨酸激动剂 ibotenate ,产生类似围产期缺氧性皮质坏死和白质损伤。

It is suggested that reformative transcortical transventricular approach is safe, available and effective.


Objective: To evaluate the biocompatibility and bio-mechanical of HA sintering coated Ti-75 alloy implant. Methods: A transcortical implant model was used.


The aim of this study was to determine whether reamed or unreamed nailing is more harmful to local bone perfusion and increases fat occlusion of transcortical vessels.


The highest fat occlusion of transcortical vessels occurred in UN (5.7%), the lowest in RE (1.6%).

不扩髓组UN (5.7%)出现最高的穿皮质血管栓塞的发生率,最低的发生在本实验优选的扩髓系统组。

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更多网络解释与transcortical相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

transcortical aphasia:经皮层失语症

韦尼克失语症 Wernicke's aphasia | 经皮层失语症 transcortical aphasia | 命名性失语症 anomie aphasia

transcortical aphasia:经皮质性失语

transanimation 口对口复苏法 | transcortical aphasia 经皮质性失语 | transcortical apraxia 经皮层性失用

transcortical aphasia:皮质间性失语症

transcendentalist 先验论者 | transcortical aphasia 皮质间性失语症 | transcortical apraxia 经皮质性运用不能 经皮质性运用不能

transcortical aphasia:经皮层性失语

transcobalamin 运钴胺蛋白 | transcortical aphasia 经皮层性失语 | transcortical motor aphasia, TCMA 经皮层运动性失语

transcortical apraxia:经皮层性失用

transcortical aphasia 经皮质性失语 | transcortical apraxia 经皮层性失用 | transcription 抄写

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