英语人>词典>英汉 : town house的中文,翻译,解释,例句
town house的中文,翻译,解释,例句

town house

town house的基本解释

(主要居住在乡间者的)市内住宅, 城内住宅

更多网络例句与town house相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I will buy a new house in the town.


He lived with his parents in a small house in a town.


We have the cleanest house in town.


And yet it is a town house.


Don't you think that a town house is too big for one person?


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更多网络解释与town house相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

town house:城市住宅

警方发现杨林海陈尸的奇诺冈日落(Sunset)小区,为一规划完善的城市住宅(Town House)区,小区内有完整的绿地、树木与草坪,也有游泳池等设备. 事发后,小区居民都感震惊,但对杨林海并不熟悉.

town house:别墅

曼哈顿120平方米的公寓价格(160万~200万美元)可以在曼哈顿以外的其他区域购买整栋独立别墅(面积300平方米以上),如果是小型别墅(HOUSE)或者联体别墅(TOWN HOUSE)价格至少还要便宜一半.

town house:市政厅

total value of production in national economy 国民经济总产值 | Town house 市政厅 | Township 乡镇

town house:独立洋房;别墅式房屋

town gas 煤气 | town house 独立洋房;别墅式房屋 | town lot 市地段

town house WESTBANK:都市住房

town hall WESTBANK 市政厅 | town house WESTBANK 都市住房 | town improvement scheme WESTBANK 都市改造计划

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