英语人>词典>英汉 : totalizing的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] totalize的现在分词


[计] 总计, 累加

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By means of counterlife, Roth tries to convince us that man does not have a totalizing self.


It is oriented to denying the totalizing homogenous foundational power, and to pursueing heterogenic conception of power, hereby to result in actively advocating micro-politics.


Perspective, in all its variations and permutations (e.g., external / internal, divine / human, objective / subjective, impersonal / personal, public / private, singular / multiple, sincere / ironic, omniscient / solipsistic, totalizing / partial), operates as one of the central framing techniques for orienting narrative, inasmuch as it limits what information is available and possible to know at any particular moment as well as how information gets divulged over time.


Perspective, in all its variations and permutations (e.g., external / internal, divine / human, objective / subjective, impersonal / personal, public / private, singular / multiple, sincere / ironic, omniscient / solipsistic, totalizing / partial), operates as one of the central framing techniques for orienting narrative, inasmuch as it limits what information is available and possible to know at any particular moment as well as how information gets divulged over time.


The behavior of bureaucratized, mediatic, educational, religious, political, commercial institutions that excel in the peddling of prestige through the movement of image-commodities illustrates a core totalizing aim of the spectacular system, focused on the redirection of the meaning of basic social values.

行为的官僚, mediatic ,教育,宗教,政治,商业机构,善于在兜售威望通过运动图像商品说明的一个核心总计目的是壮观的制度,重点是调整的意义基本的社会价值观。

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更多网络解释与totalizing相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


total,proof 核符总计 | totalizing 总计 | touch interface crt screen 触摸接口阴极射线显示屏


"totalizer ","加法器,加法求和装置,累加器" | "totalizing ","合计,累计,总计" | "totalizing relay ","综合继电器,综合电驿"

totalizing instrument:总计仪器仪表

totalizer,总加器 | totalizing instrument,总计仪器仪表 | totalizing snowmeter,累计雪量计

totalizing instrument:加总仪器

"求和装置","totalizer" | "加总仪器","totalizing instrument" | "累计式量测仪器","totalizing measuring instrument"

totalizing instrument:累计仪器仪表

totalizer,总加器 | totalizing instrument,累计仪器仪表 | totalizing snowmeter,累计雪量计

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