torrid ['tɔ:rid]
- torrid的基本解释
- She was sitting on the rocks in the torrid sun.
- 她坐在火辣辣骄阳下的石头上。
- 相似词
- torrid的反义词
- adj. frigid
- 相关歌词
- Blasphemy
- The Lord Of Mortal Pestilence
- Blowtorch Slaughter
- Snow
- From Can To Can't
- The Persecution Song
- 拼写相近单词
- torrider
- torridity
- torridness
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- torricelli's theorem
- torrid zone
- 更多 网络例句 与torrid相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
4 Recurrent selection basic breeding populations-WBMCo、 WLSCo、 LBMCo and LLSCo (character1-Chinese South west germplasm; character 2-American germplasm; character 3-torrid and semitorrid zone germplasm) were synthesized using American germplasm of Stiff Stalk Synthetic BSSSC9、Lancaster, Mesican torrid zone germplasm of Me Huang Jiou , Thai Land semi-torrid zone germplasm of Sauwan, Chinese south-western germplasm of Wu Xiand Lan Hua Zhao as main parent germplasm population.
本试验以美国种质坚杆综合种BSSSC9、Lancaster、热带种质墨黄九、亚热带种质苏湾4个国外群体和中国西南种质巫溪W_(14、兰花早2个地方群体为主体,掺和含有它们血缘的优良自交系,品种群体,首次合成了WBMCo、WLSCo、LBMCo、LLSCo 4个轮回选择育种基础群体(代号的第一字母为国内西南地区种质,第二个字母为北美种质,第三个字母为热带、亚热带种质),并与6个主体亲本种质群体进行了比较。
Chilling injury of rice is a global problem. It universally occurs in high latitude and sub-frigid zone, temperate zone, torrid zone and sub-torrid zone of high altitude.
Workshop is ventilated the optimal program that drop in temperature: Below torrid weather, because heat is conducted, heat radiation, did not adopt drop in temperature the indoor temperature of measure wants 10C -20C of prep above outside, manufacturing activity cannot on the rails.