英语人>词典>英汉 : to build的中文,翻译,解释,例句
to build的中文,翻译,解释,例句

to build

to build的基本解释

建设, 建筑, 修建

更多网络例句与to build相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First confirmed your machine has been installed on VC6.0 versions, to build generating executable files, Suffix required to open the document called DSW, the system will default VC opened, then select Build menu under Set Active Configuration options Project Configuration options for Win32 Release. then compile the project, to be executable.

首先确认您的机器上已经安装了VC6.0以上版本,要编译生成可执行文件,需打开后缀名为dsw的文件,系统会默认用VC打开,然后选择Build菜单下的Set Active Configuration选项,选择Project Configuration为Win32 Release,然后编译项目,得到可执行文件。

That guy is a slowpoke. I wish there were some way to build a fire under him.

将build 改成 put 时,其主语一般是物而不是人

From Nike ID shoes to Build-a-Bear teddies, retailers are adding a "build your own" element to brands.

不论从耐克的鞋子设计,还是到 Build-a-Bear 的连衫衬裤设计,零售商们无一不在各种品牌中加入&塑造你自己&这个理念。

更多网络解释与to build相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to build new institutions and practices expected by international norms:按照国际标准建立新制度,确立新做法

to build a clean and honest gover... | to build new institutions and practices expected by international norms按照国际标准建立新制度,确立新做法 | to consolidate the political will for IPR enforcement加...

How to Build an Economized Society:如何建设节约型社会

如何建设节约型社会(How to build an economized society)提倡节能国家正在提倡节约型社会,你将以How to build an economized society为题向21世纪报投稿,文章应包含以下要点,可适当发挥,谈谈自己其他的一些想法或做法.节能倡议书...

They want to build our country more beautifully:他们要把我们的国家建设得更美丽

7.build建造,建设 | They want to build our country more beautifully.他们要把我们的国家建设得更美丽. | The workers are building a house for the students.工人们正在为学生们建一栋房子.