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The tipis, which were fully booked and cost 800GBP to hire, were occupied by festival attendees.

该tipis ,这是客满和成本800GBP聘用,被占领的节日参与者。

Homes--Children often believe that all Indians lived in tipis, the traditional home of the plains Nations.


In the warmer months, the Ket also built tipis called qus with conical pole frames and felt or bark covering.


更多网络解释 与tipis相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

250 gr kentang, iris tipis, goreng:(馬鈴薯 250 克,切身薄片,油炸)

1 bh tomat, potong dadu (番茄 1 顆,切粒) | 250 gr kentang, iris tipis, goreng (馬鈴薯 250 克,切身薄片,油炸) | 1 sdm bawang goreng (炸脆紅蔥片,1 匙羹)

250 gr kol putih, iris tipis:(包菜 250 克,切細)

250 gr taoge, siram air panas, tiriskan (豆芽 250 克,用滾水浸熟後再去水) | 250 gr kol putih, iris tipis (包菜 250 克,切細) | 1 bh tomat, potong dadu (番茄 1 顆,切粒)

semua book pi yg agk tipis biar cpt biz bc'e:最喜歡的書

興趣: shoping, walking about, yg seru2 n bwt seneng | 最喜歡的書: semua book pi yg agk tipis biar cpt biz bc'e | 最喜歡的電影: cinta fitri 3