英语人>词典>英汉 : timing screw的中文,翻译,解释,例句
timing screw的中文,翻译,解释,例句

timing screw

timing screw的基本解释


更多网络例句与timing screw相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The focus of this design is automatically drilling vertical milling machine design, including the mechanical structure design, mechanical drive system design, and the choices and design of components on a table ,it is include: screw, timing belt, and the stepper motor Selection Guides; circuit is the main elements of the last part of the design , the control unit such PLC as the main can be quickly and easily complete the task of feeding the PLC's work, and designs the principles and procedures required by the design.


In order to solve above problems, a frequency conversion timing unit for screw pump well and an automatic control system were developed.


The best vhdl tutorial i ve ever found. The vhdl grammtik is introduced in together with design examples, design environments and practical problems like design for synthesis, timing clock screw, glitch...


更多网络解释与timing screw相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

timing screw:正时螺钉

timing relay 定时继电器 | timing screw 正时螺钉 | timing sequence 定时程序

timing screw:调时螺丝

timing relay ==> 定时继电器,延时继电器,时限继电器 | timing screw ==> 调时螺丝 | timing separation ==> 按时间区分

timing advance adjustment screw:点火提前角调整螺钉

timing advance actuator housing;点火提前致动器壳体 | timing advance adjustment screw;点火提前角调整螺钉 | timing advance angle;点火提前角

antiIndustrial Timing Belt, shutdown screw:防不灭车调整螺钉

Announcement 公告 | antiIndustrial Timing Belt, shutdown screw 防不灭车调整螺钉 | Antilock Brake System 防抱死制动系统