英语人>词典>英汉 : time gun的中文,翻译,解释,例句
time gun的中文,翻译,解释,例句

time gun

time gun的基本解释

报时炮, 午炮

更多网络例句与time gun相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is now time to choose the gun.


At the same time my gun joined the firing.


The first time you sell a gun...


And that was the last time I ever held a gun.


At that time, the gun went off .


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更多网络解释与time gun相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

TIME GUN:时间,停止吧

DECOY DRONES:可以生产飞行器引开敌人,更可以花大价钱给飞行器配上武器 | TIME GUN:时间,停止吧 | SHIELD GUN:支援型护盾,点中它,然后拉至你想要保护的武器上

This time, gun your engine. Make him look up:这一次让你的马达 发点声音出来 让他往上看

- Buzz him again. I wanna get a picture. - Okay.|再飞一次!乔,我要拍照 好 | This time, gun your engine. Make him look up.|这一次让你的马达 发点声音出来 让他往上看! | It worked.|生效了

gun time per engagement:交鋒射擊時間

gun switch 機槍電門 | gun time per engagement 交鋒射擊時間 | gun training 槍砲訓練

Next time have a gun:下次遇到这种情况要带枪

What does this teach us, Jack?|这件事给了我们什么教训 杰克 | Next time have a gun.|下次遇到这种情况要带枪 | - Hey. Don't be a wise ass. - But...|-别假聪明了 -但是...

The first time you sell a gun:第一次卖枪的感觉

my first Israeli-made Uzi submachine guns.|以色列制的乌兹冲锋枪 | The first time you sell a gun...|第一次卖枪的感觉 | is a lot like the first time you have sex.|很大程度上就象第一次^做**一样

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