英语人>词典>英汉 : thyrocele的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

thyrocele ['θairəsi:l]


[医] 甲状腺肿

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High iodide intake may aggravate patient's clinical symptoms such as thyrocele and ophthalmopathy, but there is no relation between level of UI and thyroid function .Improper iodine supplement to AITD patients may strengthen the immune function disorder .The abnormal increase of cytokine IL-1? and expression of CD80、 HLA-DR on PBMC may involve in the mechanism.


Methods:Thyroidectomy,total or subtotal lobectomy of thyroid had been performed at 716 patients with thyrotoxicosis, thyroid adenoma, nodule thyrocele and papillary thyroid cancer by UAS in place of the conventional method such as deligation suture and hematischesis through thecervical minimal incision.Results:Mean operating time with the UAS was 72(42~134) minutes.


Methods: 141 healthy subjects and 144 patients with thyrocele and hyperthyroidism were randomly choosed from the outpatient department of the First Affiliated Hospital of ChongQing University of Medical Sciences and ChongQing University.


Part oneObjective: To evaluate iodine nutrition status in ChongQing after the program of iodized salt supplementation by determining and analysing the urinary iodine of healthy subjects and patients with thyrocele and hyperthyroidism .


The iodine deficiency was corrected by the supplementation of iodized salt,however ,higher and lower intake of iodine all existed among the patients with thyrocele and hyperthyroidism .


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thyrocarditis 甲状腺性心炎 | thyrocele 甲状腺肿 | thyrochondrotomy 甲状软骨切开术

Thyrocele and hyperthyroidism:碘化食盐

碘化食盐:Thyrocele and hyperthyroidism | 青少年甲亢:Adolescent hyperthyroidism | 克隆:autoimmune dysfunction