thymus ['θaiməs]
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- thymusectomy
- thymuses
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- thymus death
- thymus gland
- thymus histone
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Apoptosis of lymphocytes in bone marrow, spleen, thymus and bursa was detected by light microscope, electron microscope and terminal- deoxynucleotidyl transferase UIP nick end labeling. The results showed ALV-J could induce incoordinate apoptosis of lymphocytes in thymus, bursa and spleen, which was mainly found in early time. And the apoptosis was much more obvious in thymus than in other immune organs.
Compared with control,①the mean tumor weight of H22 of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly(P.01,P.05),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups were above 30%;②the mean tumor weight of S180 of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly(P.01),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups were above 32%;③the mean tumor weight of EAC of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly ( P.01, P.05),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20 g/kg dose groups were above 38%;④the mean tumor weight of Lewis carcinoma of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly(P.01, P.05),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20、10、5 g/kg dose groups were above 36%;⑤the mean tumor weight of W256 of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly ( P.01, P.05),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups were above 32%;⑵Compared with control,SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups had extended the survial time of the P388-bearing mice respectively(P.01),and the mean prolong rates of SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups were above 50%;⑶Compared with S180-bearing group, SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups could increase the weight of thymus and spleen, Spleen index and thymus index were increased, SXKA Granules 5 g/kg dose group could increase thymus index(P.05);⑷As Compared with control group, SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups could improve mouse serum half hemolysis value depressed by transplanted tumor dramatically(P.01), which revealed the SXKA granules could improve the mouse humoral immunity system;⑸SXKA Granules 20 g/kg dose group could increase of englobe indexαon S180-bearing mice remarkably(P.01), which indicated the SXKA Granules could improve their cellular immunity system.
对荷W256大鼠,生兴克癌冲剂20、10、5 g / kg三组的平均瘤重明显低于对照组(P.01,P.05),生兴克癌冲剂20、10 g / kg组的平均肿瘤抑制率均大于32 %;⑵与空白对照组相比,生兴克癌冲剂20、10 g/ kg能显著地延长移植小鼠白血病P388小鼠的存活天数(P.01),生兴克癌冲剂20、10 g/ kg对荷白血病P388小鼠生命延长率均在50%以上;⑶与S180荷瘤组相比,生兴克癌冲剂对荷瘤鼠的免疫器官重量、胸腺指数和脾指数有一定的提高趋势,其中生兴克癌冲剂5 g / kg组对荷瘤小鼠的胸腺指数有一定的提高作用(P.05);⑷与S180荷瘤组相比,生兴克癌冲剂20、10 g /kg组可提高由荷瘤引起的小鼠血清半数溶血素值的降低(P.01),表明其可提高荷瘤小鼠体液免疫功能;⑸与对照组相比,生兴克癌冲剂20 g /kg组可提高荷S180肉瘤小鼠的免疫吞噬系数α值(P.01),表明其可提高荷瘤小鼠细胞免疫功能。
The inoculation of MDV in general indued to decrease the production of IL-2、 IFN-γ-Th〓 cytokines in vitro, and there are differences between spleen and Thymus lymphocyte on the production of IL-2 in vitro, only thymus lymphocyte IL-2 prodution increased transient in early time. The cytotoxity TNF induced in thymus and spleen lymphocyte and bone marrow macrophage shown a simillar curve of"V"shape. MDV infection cause cell-mediated immune declines.
- 更多网络解释 与thymus相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
T是"[[胸腺]]"(Thymus)而不是[[甲状腺]](Thyro ...要表面标志是[[CD4受体|CD4]]. T细胞调控或"辅助"其它淋巴细胞发挥功能. 它们是已知的[[人体免疫缺陷病毒|HIV病毒]耳蜗是一个骨质结构. 如右图耳蜗由三个内部充满淋巴液的空腔组成.
百里香属 (Thymus) 是唇形科下的一属,包括大约350种多年生的芳香草本植物. 最高约40厘米,生长在 非洲北部、欧洲及亚洲温带,我国多产于黄河以北地区,特别是西北地区. 主要产地为南欧的法国、西班牙、地中海国和埃及..
促进细胞对葡萄糖的摄取和利用(不依赖胰岛素)增加细胞对养的吸收和利用,促进ATP生成增加,使细胞携氧能量提高,改善细胞功能,增强血管通透性,从而使血流增加. 血清生长激活因子 (SERUM GF) 产品制程:胸腺素 (THYMUS) 的药理作用:胸腺素 (THYMUS) 临床适应症
例蒿属-无茎委陵菜(Artemisia-Potentilla subacanlis)草原、百里香(Thymus) -无茎委陵菜草原等. 以强旱生多年生根茎苔草(Carex)为主,具有相当稀疏的旱生小灌木、小半灌木的草原. 例蒿属-寸草苔(Artemisia-C. duriuscula)草原.
thymus serpyllum:百里香
文章摘要:研究对上海地区引种成功的2种百里香,普通百里香(Thymus vulguris)和匍匐百里香(Thymus serpyllum)的植物学性状和精油成分进行了分析比较. 结果表明:2种百里香的植物学性状,如外形、花色等差异显著. 精油含有率普通百里香高于匍匐百里香(鲜重),
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