英语人>词典>英汉 : thwaite的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

thwaite [θweit]


[英]新开地, 开垦地

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Tall, with leonine hair and smelling vaguely of gin-and-tonic—his favourite cologne is Christian Dior's Eau Sauvage—Thwaite is a popular commentator on television and on campus.

高高的个子,留着狮型发,身上有股淡淡的杜松子酒和香味饮料的味道——他最喜欢的古龙香水是Christian Dior's Eau Sauvage——斯维特是一个颇受欢迎的电视和校园评论员。

Try to find as many places as possible with Old English origins (ending in -tun,-burh,-feld, for example), and with Scandinavian origins (-by,-thorpe,-toft,-thwaite) to work out where the Viking settlers chose to make their homes, how close they were to their English neighbours, and the kinds of activities in which they might have engaged.

试图找到许多地方尽可能与古英语起源(截至屯,- burh ,菲尔德,例如),与斯堪的纳维亚起源(按,-索普- toft ,- thwaite )制定的维京定居者选择,使他们的家园,他们是如何接近他们的英语邻居,和各种活动中,他们有可能参与。

We're at Thwaite Station and we've got a long drive before us.


The model suggests Thwaite's glacier has also passed its tipping point.


Straddling this trio is the celebrated journalist himself, Marina's father, Murray Thwaite, the emperor.


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Thwaite, Anthony:史卫特

The Seasons <<四季诗>> | Thwaite, Anthony 史卫特 | Tillotson, John 提勒森

Thwaite's drag formula:史威特阻力公式

Thomson's theorem 汤木生定理 | Thwaite's drag formula 史威特阻力公式 | Timoshenko beam 提摩盛科梁